Chapter Ten

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Naruto pov:

I was doing my chores which were washing clothes and dusting as well as going grocery shopping later for dinner tonight and I was putting the wet clothes on the line when I heard my mother calling for me.So I went back into the mansion to see what she wanted and as I came into the living room she told me to get my stepsister's in their finest dress out and ready so I went up stair as did I heard sakura tell Ino that she would be the one to fit the glasses slipper and be prince Sasuke bride.And Ino said that she would be the one not sakura this lead to another fight like always after I got them into their finest dress my stepmother told to go back to my chores.So I did I wasn't done washing the clothes so I went back to it as I washing the clothes I was think about the glasses slipper and I knew that prince sasuke must be look for me.But I was really scared on how he would reacted after he find out that I'm really a guy not a girl this really had me scared.

Meanwhile prince sasuke along with his brothers best friend of the blue moon kingdom sasori who was entrusted with the glasses slipper fitting and as they tried the slipper on every girl in town they moved on out of town to the mansion where naruto lived as they turned up the road to the mansion naruto's stepsisters were over joyed as well as really nervous too.Then sasori knocked on the door with his free hand the other hand the glasses slippers with the orange pearl on it.And naruto's stepmother answered the door because naruto was hanging the clothes out on the line and was not done so she answered the door by saying good afternoon your highness we've been waiting for you to arrive.As they walked into the mansion prince sasuke could tell that his true love must be here he could just feel it then the first to try on the slipper was Sakura her foot was too small and the same was for Ino.At that moment sasori asked does anyone else live with you my lady shizune then she said no there is no one else then prince sasuke said I was told you had two daughters as well as a son.When she heard that she said yes I do but naruto is only my stepson I  sure you he couldn't be the one after sasuke heard this he said bring him here at once so she told her two daughters to go get naruto.

Prince Sasuke pov:

When I heard that lie for the lady shizune I knew that she had two daughters as well as a son that when I told her to bring naruto to me at once after I heard his name I had this feeling that he was the one my true love I just knew it deep down.But I wanted him to try the glasses slipper with the orange pearl on it to be sure as I was waiting I told sasori that when we head back to the palace that I would need to speak with my father the king.To tell him I had found my queen also tell him that I'm gay I just hope my father will accept my future wife and queen.As I was think about this lady shizune daughters brought naruto to me and he was as beautiful on that night even those he was a girl at the time it did not matter to me.As he bowed to me and naruto said you wished to see your highness,his voices it was so beautiful I could just die after hearing it then I said have a seated so I lead him to the chair to try on the glasses slipper with the orange pearl on it.

Naruto pov:

I was still putting up clothes on the line when my stepsisters told me that prince sasuke waited to see me at once so I went back inside to met prince sasuke as I walked into the living room I saw prince sasuke my heart was beating so fast I thought it would bersted after seeing him.I knew that he was my true love but would he accept me because I'm gay as he took my hand to be seated then prince sasuke service had my glasses slipper the one I lost that night of the royal ball.As I sat down I put my foot out which was ready girly then he slipped the glasses slipper with orange pearl on it on my foot that fit me without any trouble and prince sasuke face light up which really surprised me.And for course my stepmother said it must be a coincidence that it would fit then I heard sasori said it may be possible that when I said I have the other slipper to prove it.So I pulled the other glasses slipper with the orange pearl on it and of course sasiro slipped my other glasses slipper on my other foot which fit me this was without a doubt that I was prince sasuke true love.

When prince sasuke had found the one he took his true love's hand and said I've finally found you now may I ask will you marry me,be my wife as well as my queen and naruto said yes,will my prince's with that they went back to the palace in the royal carriage.To tell prince sasuke's father as well as his older brother that he had found his bride to as would also be getting married too.Meanwhile back at the palace prince Itachi was work on the wedding planned with his beloved princess shannon when they both hear that prince sasuke has returned with his bride.And of course Itachi and sasuke's father father the king also hear this too and he was really happy to hear his younger son had found his bride but what their father didn't know that sasuke was gay or his bride was a guy to.

Prince Sasuke pov:

I was so happy to hear my beloved naruto said yes to marry me as we were heading back to my palace I was a little worried on how my father the king would reacted to know too that my bride is a guy or the fact that I'm gay.But as I was think about this I could tell that my love,naruto was even more nervous than I was because he was not used to be pampered after how the way he was being treated.And when I hear them announce that I had returned to the palace with my bride and as way for keeping naruto calm I put my hand on top of his which worked he stop shaking then I told him that there was nothing to fear after I said that he just blushed.

Meanwhile in the palace the king as well as prince Itachi and his beloved princess shannon were waiting in the throne room as they saw the doors open they just saw sasuke then he said may I speak to our father alone Itachi,his older brother could tell that sasuke was going to tell their father that he was gay and that his bride was a guy too.With that both he as well as his beloved shannon left the throne room shannon asked sasuke if it was ok to met his bride and see them seen they were really good friends.After prince sasuke heard this he said yes you may princess shannon so she left with his brother once the throne room was empty with just prince sasuke and his father the king.Their father asked what is wish to speak to me about my son as he said that sasuke took a deep breath and he said well father as you know that I have found my true love but there move I have to tell that I'm to sure that you will be so accepting of when you what I have to say.

King Fugaku pov:

When I heard that my son wish to speak to alone I had a feeling I knew that he was going to tell me for you see I knew that my youngest son was gay my late wife and queen told me and I was shocked at first but I see that my wife,my queen was ok with this.Because all she wanted was sasuke to be happy and I felt the same  way to.So if my son bride is indeed a guy then so been it I will accepted him into our royal family also he will be our queen as well as my son being the next king to rule.Also I have a good feeling that I would have grandchild that I could spoil which I knew my late wife would have loved to do as well as too.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now