Chapter Six

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As shannon/fairy godmother was on her way to see naruto back at the palace sasuke was trying to find the best spot to show princess hinata around their palace.And he found three spot that he knew would be predicted which was the garden as well as the fountain that was apart of the garden.As well as the balcony that was aparted of the ball room which was being decorated for tomorrow night the third places was a stone column arched.A pavilion that had roses that wrapped around the stone columns.And sasuke hope that he would take his future wife there to ask him to marry him.Meanwhile naruto had finished making dinner then washed the dish which were dry then putted away.As he went to his room he could hear his step sisters fight on who would get to dances with prince sasuke firsted.And naruto just couldn't take it much more as he was crying on his bed.Until a blue beautiful light appeared right in front of him then beautiful lady appeared out of the blue beautiful light.

Naruto pov:

when I was in my bedroom I could hear my stepsister fight over who was going to get to dance with prince sasuke firsted.I couldn't at take it I end up gently fall on my bed in tears which were coming down my face but they stoped.when I saw this blue light appear then a beautiful lady appear out of it I was not scared of her not one bit.But I did wanted to know why she was here because from what I could see she was wearing a ocean blue dress.That had a dark pink ribbon that was in her dark black hair which kind of remind me of someone I know but it couldn't be her right now.That's not possible seen I've had to do all the chorse so I haven't had time to write to her.So I asked her who she was and why was she here of course she told me that she was my fairy godmother.Who had come here because I was really upset and she had come to make me feel better by using her magic.As she said that I saw her pull out her magic wand from her pocket that was in her cloth.It was her magic wand which looked deep blue crystal star.That was glowing beautiful deep blue then she asked me what could she do to make me feel better.I was going to tell when my stomach started growling and she said I see you must be hungry so let's eat shall we.

As shannon/fairy godmother heard naruto's stomach she waved her magic a table apeared with what look like what you would see at a backited.Naruto was really amazed at what he saw he asked his fairy godmother if she would join him in eating this backite.Of course she said yes I would love to,she could tell  naruto had a kind loving heart.That was filled with a caring as well as too the two of them eat and drank.As naruto fairy godmother was about to leave she told naruto that she would be back soon so he shouldn't feel so down.Becausa as long as he had a kind as well as a couragest heart he will be rewared.After that she then diappeared into blue fairy dust along with the table that the backited was on too.Then naruto went to bed that night because tomorrow would be the nigth of the rayol ball.And he would really busy with helping his stepsisters get ready for the ball as well as doing his.All doing his other chores which he knew he would have to done.On top of helping them get ready for the royal ball.

Naruto pov:

I was really happy when my fairy godmother appeared she was the sweetest and kind lady that I'd ever met.She told me that she could see that I was really sad also she could tell see how I was being tracked.And she said that my stepmother as well as my stepsisters deeds will not go unpunished.After she told me that before she left I had this feeling that my fairy godmother was my best friend.Which I thought was impossible because shannon is a princess and there no way she can use magic.Also we've know each other for years seen we were little and I know that there no possible way.Or could there be I mean she had the same eyes as well as hair which was just up in a bun.As I was think about this I climbed into bed then closed my eyes and began to dream about my new life that was yet to come.

As naruto was sleeping the stars and the moon were shining bright that night also one of the stars was shining more brighter.Than the others were this was because tomorrow night a wish of beautiful dream would be grained that had been waiting for along time to be grained.And this would change to lives forever meanwhile shannon/fairy godmother retured to her palace for the night she knew that she would be going back to naruto's mansion soon.Because tomorrow night was the night of the royal ball also she knew that naruto wanted to go and she would be the one help him go to the royal ball as well as too.This would be a night that naruto would never forget because that night he would find his true love that had been waiting for him for along time and would do anything thing to make him happy.As well as show him a new world that he had ever seen before that could just take his breath away after he seen what was being show to him.

Prince Sasuke pov:

I couldn't sleep tonight I was thinking about the royal ball which was tomorrow night.As I sat up in my bed I could only think about how bored I'm going to be.Because of two reason and they were one I'd have to show princess hinata around.Also I'd have to deal with all the girl trying to attack me by ask me to dance with them.And of course I would say no or just lie say that I couldn't dance.Which was not true I was really good at dancing I just never found the right dance partner.But for some reason I had a really good feeling that I would find that person.And I would dance with them in my arms also I knew that my older brother was going to ask princess shannon to marry him.And I knew that she would say yes I mean she loves my older brother.Itachi and I can tell that she is always blushing when he has her in his arms I just wish that I could do that.With my true love one day and tell them that I will do whatever it take to make them happy.Which I believe is not that hard to do in my mind somehow I was getting tired.So I layed back down again into my bed and dreamed where my true love was waiting for me.

Meanwhile still in the palace Itachi was also unable to fall back asleep he was worried that shannon would say no to him.And he knew that she would never say that because her heart belong to him.And his heart belong to her this was true with this in his mind he was able to lay back down again.In his bed and Itachi did know that shannon had magic and she used her powers to help people dreams come true.With the help of her magic blue star crystal wand this was how she help them.Also she didn't just pick anyone she only pick those who need her help the most that how it works.With those who were fairy godmothers or who had magic powers.As the night went on the whole town was fast asleep dream about tomorrow.Night and the royal ball which was to be the most important event of that night.Also would prince sasuke find his true love that night and would naruto find the same.But he wouldn't be himself after his fairy godmother had used her magic wand on him. 

King Fugaku pov:

I was about to go to bed after reading the letters from one of our two neighboring kingdoms which said that they were going to attend the royal ball.Also I knew that the princess of the blue moon kingdom would be coming because she loved my older son.Who had asked me for my blessing so that he could ask princess shannon to marry him.And I can wait for to have grandchildren that I can spend the rest of my time.Also I wanted to gave the throne to sasuke seen my older son will be uniting two kingdoms.Which would be ours and the blue moon kingdom this made me happy.Because my good friend the late queen charlotte would have be ever happy.To know that her kingdom and mine would be united by true love.As I climbed into bed I could only hope that my younger son sasuke would find true love just like Itachi had.Also I knew that my younger son was hiding something from I just didn't know what it was yet.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin