Chapter Seventeen

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When both brides had made it down the aisle it was at that mounted the archbishop had everyone who there for the royal wedding take their seats once they all had he said we are all gathered here today to see our two prince's standing here today before their family and friends as well as the people of their kingdom.Before I being is there anyone who believe that is reason that either couple shouldn't be married speak now forever hold your peaces it was when sakura and her mother said yes we do.With they used the dark magic to tried tear them apart but shannon along with Tsunade used their magic created a bare that stop the dark magic from ever hurting naruto sasuke as well as Itachi.That when shannon and Tsunade used their magic to created magic handcuffs magic proof which appeared on their wrists so if they tried to use their dark magic it would not work then the king said guards get these lady out of here and in the dungeon until the wedding is over than their fated will be decided then.

Naruto pov:

I can't believe that sakura and her mother,my stepmother would try to ruin mine as well as my best friends wedding also I was shocked that they could used dark magic but the best friend shannon along with Tsunade used their good magic to protect me,sasuke as well as Itachi too.Then sasuke and Itachi father the king called the guards to take them to the dungeon where they would stay until our wedding was over as for Ino,she had no idea what her sister or mother were planning.And I could that she was not lying to me or the king because she had fallen in love with prince gaara which she told him right there in front of everyone of course gaara was happy that Ino felt the same for him.With what my stepsister and stepmother had tried to do had been stopped we were able to go on with the wedding the archbishop said now the grooms will read their vows to their brides and sasuke went first his vows were so heart filled that tears were flowing down my face.

After sasuke said his vow his older brother Itachi went and his vow brought shannon to tears as well as to the whole church was in tears even the king was too this was most beautiful day ever. Then naruto said his vow to sasuke once again there was on dry eye in the church and shannon made the same thing happen when she said her vow to Itachi.Then the archbishop said now we will exchange the wedding rings which both uchiha prince's put their wedding rings on their brides once that was done he said I now declare both husbands and wives as well as king and queen of the uchiha kingdom also the blue moon kingdom.You may kiss your brides then sasuke kiss naruto and Itachi kiss shannon once the wedding and coronation ceremony which went off with any more problems when they walked out of the church everyone outside was charging for the happy new kings and queens now the wedding reception would be held in the royal palace's ballroom.

Shannon pov:

I couldn't believe that naruto's stepmother and stepsister could use magic well dark magic even go as far as to try to destroy his happy day as well as mine but me along with tsunade were not going to let this happen.So me and tsunade used our magic to keep everyone safe from their dark magic as they were being taken away Ino had no idea what her mother or sister had planned to do.And she had fallen in love with princes gaara when they had first met seen she was not involved in this evil plane.When we finally said our I do as well as kiss our husbands and kings too this was the most perfected wedding day well except for what had planned during the wedding ceremony now me and naruto were now going have happy ever after.Well the honeymoon was going to be the best parted because me,naruto had planned something every special for our husbands which we hoped they would love.

As the royal carriage made it back to the royal palace the royal couple's went to their bedroom's to change for the wedding reception that was be held in the ballroom which look amazing the whole room had been completely transformed.Also the door that were apart of the ballroom had been left open so as the sun was going to set the doves would set free as a signe to set off the fireworks as the guests made their way to the ballroom to where the wedding reception would take places.Meanwhile shannon,naruto had changed into beautifully made kimonos that fit them perfectly as for the kings they were wearing the most handsome suits ever made both sasuke and Itachi couldn't wait to see what their wives looked in their kimono's.

Sasuke pov:

I could believe that me and my older brother had gotten married well the wedding ceremony didn't go as planned because sakura and her mother decided to destroy the wedding with dark magic which I was shock that they had the ability to use it but they didn't win in the end because my sister in law had magic to along with Tsunade who help stop them both.That when my father the king called the palace guards to come and arrest them at once.Which they did after that was taken care of I still couldn't believe that my sister in law could use magic I wonder if my brother Itachi knew about this or not.

Itachi pov: 

When I saw my beloved using her magic along with tsunade who also helped stop the dark magic from hurting anyone I was amazed as always because I need that my princess had magic power well her kingdom is filled with magic itself.So this ever shocked me no not one bit she was the women I loved but I saw that my brother sasuke was shocked when he saw that she could use magic well I knew that.I was going to have to tell him about shannon and her kingdom which was not just know for it beautiful forest as well as landscape as for our father he was not shocked because he knew that late queen charlotte could use magic too so this was nothing to him.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now