Chapter Eight

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King Fugaku pov:

I knew that after that royal ball that my older son Itachi was going to be getting married to the princess of the blue moon kingdom but I was still worried about my younger son sasuke he is now seventeen.And he need to find a bride before it too late because I plan on passing the crown on to him seen his older brother will uniting our kingdom with another kingdom he will not be able to rule.So I believe that sasuke will be the one that is if can he find a bride I just wish that he would stop being so stubborn when it come to this kind of thing.But seen my wife,my queen passed he had been like this I just wish that he wouldn't be this stubborn as I was think about this the throne room doors opened I knew that they were here now was the time to tell them what my plans were.

As the sun was about to set naruto was making dinner for his stepsisters and stepmother this didn't take long to do as the sun finally set the night of the ball had arrived and naruto was helping his stepsisters get ready by getting them into their gowns.As well as doing their hair too this all took time to do and his stepsisters were fight like naruto knew they would over him on doing their hair which he did as well as get their shoes.And of course naruto made sure that he clean up as they were about to leave naruto stepmother told him lock up and they would be back late tonight.With that they got into the carriage then left after naruto was finally alone he finished clean his stepsisters bedroom once he was done he went up the stairs to the addict to which was his bedroom.

Naruto pov:

I was upstairs in the bedroom and I was think about how nice to would go to the royal ball I pulled out my mother's beautiful dress I had in the closet that she had left behind it may have been old.But it was all I have to remember her besides the silver heart shaped locket that I had around my neck as I my mother's dress out on my bed a blue light appeared in front of me,I knew that it had to be my fairy godmother.And she appeared to me then she said naruto,I know that you wish go to royal ball so let get this party on the road at first I didn't understand what she mean.But after she asked me get her a nice big large pumpkin as well as four white mices also my dog kiba once I got the big large pumpkin that we had and four white mices as well as my dog kiba too.

When naruto brought the pumpkin to his fairy godmother she pulled out her magic wand that had blue crystal star on top and she said naruto just stand back and watch what the fun begin with that said.She waved her magic wand over the pumpkin that became a beautiful style carriage that had a golden designs covering it and naruto was amazed as well as shocked to then she said you have seen nothing yet with that said she waved her magic wand.Once again this time over the four white mices that naruto had brought her and they became four beautiful white horse that would pull the beautiful carriage.Than naruto dog kiba was transformed into a coachman who would drive the carriage to the royal ball once naruto dog was transformed then naruto fairy godmother said naruto you still need a footmen.That when she saw a bird that naruto was really nice to was glad to be the footmen so with she waved her magic wand over the bird that became a the footmen.

Shannon/fairy godmother pov:

Once I had the carriage and the horse as well as the coachmen and footmen I turned to naruto who was really amazing then I said naruto I must ask to put on your mother dress also it may sound weird but just trusted me on this.And after I ask him that he went up stair to his bedroom and put his mother dress then came back once again I waved my magic wand over naruto not only transforming his dress into one that was a deep orange with red rose one side of it also her long blonde hair was put up in a bun.That had blue rose in it also transforming him into a girl and I gave her glasses slippers that had a orange pearl on them.Once that was done and now as naruko was getting into her carriage with invitation in her hand.Then I said there one more thing I need to tell you must not remain at the royal ball beyond midnight if you do the charm will be broken and everything will go back to the way it was before.After I told naruko,she said that she would be home before midnight as the carriage drove off I waved goodbye then used the magic wand to go back to the ball myself.

As naruko carriage was on it way to the royal ball meanwhile at the palace prince sasuke showing princess hinata around the palace after he was done showing hinata around he saw his older brother Itachi looking for his ture love princess shannon who appeared she was wearing pink silk ball gown kimono that was every beautiful.And of course Itachi was in shock at how beautiful his beloved looked he went to she bowed and he asked her if she would have this dance with him and of course she said yes she would love to so they began to dance across the ball room floor.As they were dancing prince sasuke was sitting on his throne trying to avioed all the girl that his father the king had invited to the royal ball also sakura and ino were there too they were hoping that they could get prince sasuke acctend which they were having a hard time doing.Because of all the other girl that were there as for prince Itachi he was dancing with his princess as they dance out into the palace garden.Sasuke was still didn't believe that he would find a bride his father was going to step down as king and crown him the king because Itachi was going be uniting their kingdom with the blue moon kingdom.He couldn't rules both kingdoms and sasuke was so bored right now because he just couldn't find the one he wanted to dance with that would soon change as everyone stop dancing when they saw naruko who had just arrived.

Prince Itachi pov:

As I was dancing with my princess,she was so beautiful I knew that as we danced into the palace garden where the water fountain was there is where I was going to ask her to marry me when made it to the fountain we stopped dancing.Then I got down on one knee then pulled out the ring that I had made for this night and I said my princess no my beloved shannon I've loved seen the first time I laid eye's on you, you are my one and only for me this just show how much I love you.Also I was hoping that you would marry me,my princess shannon as I said this she had tears flowing down her face.That when I heard her say yes my love,Itachi I will marry and with that I slipped the ring that had are family crested on it on her finger.Then I kissed her on the lips as way of sealing this moment forever I couldn't waited to tell my father the good new that I'm going to be getting married this was the most happiest night of my life.

Princess Shannon pov:

I was shocked when my prince no my beloved Itachi asked for me to marry him and of course I said yes,I love you in the moment we first met I knew that one day he would ask for my hand which he did this night.And now I'm the happiest princess here also I have a good feeling that prince sasuke will find his true love just like his brother did before him.I just hope that he can see passed my magic to see what lay beyond because I know that prince sasuke is gay and that he really can't stand any of the girl that are here tonight that I know is true.

Sasunaru cinderella writen by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now