Chapter 2

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"So what studies are you taking?" Kuro asked.

"Uh, i don't know really." I respond.

Kuro seems nice. I can see he likes volleyball. By seeing his muscles on his body I guess he was a player in high school. I feel like, i already like my college experience, so far.

"That would be sweet if we have the same classes. I can help you study or you can help me." Kuro said while he was pining his posters of volleyball players.

I can't help to notice that Kuro is really kind when you get to know him better.

"Yeah that would be sweet, I guess." I poorly respond.

"Hmmhmm.Ok, do you want the top bunk or bottom bunk?" He asked.

Bottom or Top?

When at the top it feels like I'm going to fall off. When I'm at the bottom I kinda feel safe but not really.

"Bottom would be nice." I told him.

"Gosh, sorry I didn't let you unpack. I can help you if you want." He asked while touching the back of his head.

"Ah, thank you." I said.

-After a while of unpacking-

"And done! Hey, do like any sports of any kind?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know if I like it. I guess volleyball. I use to play it in high school." I said wothout spirit.

"Really?!" He shouted.

"What position do you play? I was a middle blocker, what about you?" He asked.

"I was in the same position too." I said while looking around.

"That's cool, what if we played each other in high school?!" He commented.

"It could be possible, although I forget about games every so often." I shrugged.

"Its nice to meet you,Tsukishima. I hope we can see each other in class." He smiled.

"Same to you, I guess." I shrugged once more.

"Well, I have to go to class. See ya later." He said while exited the room.



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