Chapter 14

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"Whoa!" I shouted.

"This is so cool!!" I looked around me.

"Glad you liked it."

"Lets go here Testu!" I pointed at a manga place that had 11 floors.



So many anime and manga!

"Be careful Kei."

"I will Kuro I'm not five."

After I said that I triped. Kuroo burst out laughing.

"Geez, at least you could help me..." I get up on my own.

"Its just..ha..ha..your face was so-bwhahaha!"

"So what!?"

"Serious when you said the phrase! Bwhahahahaha!!"

"Kuroo you are embarras-ahahaha!"

Kuroo stopped laughing. He looked at me with a speechless emotion.

"Is everything okay?"

"Huh? Ah, yes... let's get going then!"

"That's odd..." I murmured.

"What was that?"

"Nothing...nothing at all."


-Time Skip-

"Why did you buy so many things Kei!?"

"It like it..." I turned away.

"Is it that heavy?" I asked.

"No, it's to crowed."

"Then let me help you." I take a bag or two. To make it even.

"There! you carry one big bag and I get the smaller ones out of the way."

"Thanks Kei...let's eat somewhere...there's a sushi bar thats cheap. How about that?"

"Ok. I'm down."

-At Sushi Bar-

"Man! This is so good!" Kuroo yelled while digging in.

"So...How did Kenma know my name?"

"Huh? He did? He only remember people's names if he has seen or heard of them..." he continues to eat.

"Do you know anything? " I asked while getting dish.

" No, ask Kenma about it. "


-At Kenma's House-

"Hey Kenma!"

"Hi Kuroo...Hi Tsukishima." Kenma said as he closed the door.

"So...Why did you visit me?" Kenma went to pour some hot tea for us.

"Just wanna help you study for your finals." Kuroo said while getting a pie that we got for Kenma.

"Thanks, I really need help."

"Its nothing we'll both help you." I said.

"Oh! And here, have this. We got it for you." Kuroo passed me the pie.

"Wha!? No way! You really got this for me??" Kenma's eyes focused on the pie.

"Yeah! Kuroo told me you like Apple pie. So I grabed a slice just for you!"

His eye's were shimmering of joy.

"Gosh! Thank you so much Tsukishima!"

"Its nothing! Now let's ready for studying!"

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