Chapter 3

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"Welcome new students! I'm Ms. Barnes, and I will be your professor for today. I'll start on,"

My professor continued. I don't want to listen but I guess I have to listen a little bit.

"AH,SORRY I'M LATE!" A man shouted. I turned to see who it is.

Kuro, It was Kuro.

"Why are you late, young man?" Ms.Barnes asked.

"Ah, well I'm still not getting use to the area." Kuro responded.

"Okay, next time try to get here in time. Please take a seat." She said.

Kuro looked at me and started walking towards me.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked.

"No, not at all." I respond.

The class was back on task.

"Hey," Kuro whispered.

I looked over to him.

"What?" I asked.

"You seem interesting, wanna hangout some time?" He asked.

Is he, asking me out?

"Sure. What are we doing?"

"I don't know. Studying or talking. I don't know really." He said.

-After Class-

"So, what's the plan?" I asked.

"We can talk if you want." He said.

"That would be nice." I respond.

"That's cool." He said.

-At the Park-

"So, you like stawberry shortcake?" He said.

"Yes, I think it's really good dessert to have." I said.

I've been talking to Kuro for about 3 hours now. I like to get to know him better. He likes volleyball and wants to be on the national team. He is really good at math and science. His hair is actually bed hair. He also went to a convention. Kuro seems awesome.

"It's cool to get to know a bit more about you." He said with a smile. I can't help but to smile too.

This is nice. First day here and I already have a new friend. I went to get coffee for us. Ah, Fall is so pretty and makes me feel warm inside. It's pretty cold here. I began to drink my coffee. And continued walking around.

"Hey, um Tsukishima. Do like, have...a girlfriend?" He asked out of nowhere.

"No, do you?" I asked.

"None." He said.

Why did he ask that?

The cold Breeze hit me,causing me to jump. Making Kuro noticed.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's just a bit chilly right now."

"You can take my jacket if you want, its wamer than the one your wearing." He said.

"No,no. I'm fine actually. I'm fine what I have on." I responded.

"Nah, take it. It's better if you're warm than being cold." He said.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll be fine,we can trade jackets." He said.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yeah, c'mon let's trade." He said with a smile.

"Fine." I said.

As we Exchange our jackets his was warm while mine was cold like ice. This felt nice.

"Are you okay now?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks." I said while looking at him.

"Wanna go back to the dorms?" He asked.


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