Growing up and Growing apart

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Regina is 1 and Zelena is 5

Zelena looked at her baby sisters crib and smiled. She had already outgrown the nursery but she still came their to play because of Regina. Cora and Henry were at the doorway.

"Un-uni-ca,"Baby Regina had barely learned to talk.

Zelena frowned in confusion, then smiled realizing what her sister wanted. So she walked over to the stuffed unicorn and plopped it over the crib. Regina giggled and Zelena smiled.

While this warmed Henry's heart, Cora frowned. When Zelena was 1 wanted a toy, she simply used her magic to poof it to her. Regina, however, has yet to use any magic. Cora feared only one of her daughters inherited her special abilities. Cora then decided she would train Zelena to use her powers.

Regina is 5 and Zelena is 9

Zelena and Regina were playing dress up together which Regina loved but Zelena was nervous. Regina spun around in her pink dress not noticing how nervous her sister was. Zelena put on a floppy hat and giggled pretending she wasn't afraid that there mother would catch them out of bed.


'To late,' Zelena thought.

"What are you doing out of bed this early?!" Their mother said sternly.

"Playing!" Regina said with a blissful innocence. "Wanna play with us."

"No." Cora said bemused. "Regina, bed. Zelena come with me."

The children obeyed immediently, scared of what their mother would do.

"Zelena," Cora started.

"I'm sorry mother!" Zelena said clearly afraid. "It was my fault, I woke Regina up to play".

"Zelena, your sister is going to bed early". Cora said blankly. Zelena sighed with relief that Regina's punishment wasn't that bad.

Cora's eyes narrowed and she said," You, however, are to spend the entire day with me learning how to be a proper queen, sorceress and daughter."

Zelena hung her head upset but accepting her punishment. Except, her mother wasn't done."You will also learn the most important thing I know: Love is Weakness! And I hope you will learn not to take the blame for Regina!"

Regina is 10 and Zelena is 14

Regina was playing with her doll Isabella.

"Regina what are you doing?" Said her mother who was walking in with Zelena.

"Isabella and I were just playing dress up," Regina said, then her eyes lit up. "Do you guys to wanna play with me?"

"Regina, I'm a little old for dress up." Zelena rejected. Then Cora chimed in saying,"Besides, I'm taking Zelena on a little field trip. You'd find it boring."

"But Zelena, we never play!" Regina protested.

Cora finally had enough and reminded the girls about when she was just a miller's daughter and told Regina she could only relay on herself. And so Cora and Zelena left Regina alone to play with her doll.

Then she noticed her mothers drawer was opened. She put her hand on the box in the drawer an it opened revealing her mother's wand. Excited, Regina picked up the wand and pretended to be magical like her mom and sister. Then she looked at Isabella and an idea popped into her head. Zelena inherited magic from their mother, why couldn't Regina!

So she pointed the wand at the doll and said," You'll be my sister now."

But instead of doing what Regina wanted it sent a blast of magic and knocked her unconscious. Cora, Henry, and Zelena sped into the room and rushed to Regina's side. Cora stated that she couldn't undo this because it was caused by her wand. So Zelena had to do it.

They moved her to the bed and Cora began to prepare a spell for Zelena to cast. But when she turned she found Zelena had already healed Regina.

"How did you do that?" Cora asked, shocked.

"I just wanted Regina okay and now she is," Zelena said simply.

"What happened?" A voice said from the bed.

"Regina!" Cora said happily. "Your sister just saved you from yourself."

As the two sisters began to talk, Cora thought to herself. 'Zelena is more powerful than I expected. She's more powerful than me!'

Regina is 14 and Zelena is 18

The two sisters were off on a riding lesson. Regina was a natural on the horse while Zelena just managed to become comfortable on a pony.

Cora watched her daughters ride and when they were done came up to them and said,"Regina next time, use a saddle!"

"Yes mother." Regina said bemused.

And with the lessons done Regina and Zelena left to do their own things without even glancing at each other. Regina left for tea with their father, but Zelena stayed behind. She turned to face Daniel the stable boy and smiled. He looked at her like no one else ever had. The they ran to one another and kissed. Both Regina and Zelena fancied the stable boy but as Daniel was 18, like Zelena he made a connection to her.

And as they embraced, Zelena thought to herself. "Mother would never approve of her daughter loving a stable boy."

She decided that they would keep their love a secret until mother found a king, then they would run away together. Away from overbearing mothers, fathers who favored your little sister, and beautiful sisters who get everything you didn't except magic and the stable boy.

Hi! So as you can see Daniel is in love with Zelena not Regina. The reason is Zelena is going to be the Evil Queen or the Wicked Queen. Regina and Snow are going to be bandits together and Snow is Zelena's stepdaughter. Besides I never really cared about StableQueen much anyway. Stay tuned for next chapter!

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