The King is Dead

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A few years had past since Daniel died and alot has changed. Zelena was now a queen and married to King Leopold, much to her own disgust. They had sold there estate immediately after Daniel died and moved into the castle. Her father wrapping his arms around Regina, who was whining about leaving her childhood home, much to Zelena's annoyance.

The brat was moving from a lovely estate to a magnificent palace. And she didn't have to give up the love of her life! How could she be crying! If anyone should be in tears it was Zelena, who Cora was pinching everytime her eyes got watery.

While getting Regina ready in her bridesmaids dress and Snow ready in her flower girl dress, Zelena imagined ripping out Regina's heart. But, she pretended it was nothing and went on with her business. But Zelena couldn't stop seeing it in her dreams. Zelena wanted revenge and she wanted it bad.

Zelena wanted to wipe that carefree smile off Regina's face. She wanted to kill her mother. She wanted to slap Regina. She even wanted to find a way to get rid of Snow White's claim to the throne just for convincing Regina to tell their mother about Daniel. But what was she to do! Zelena couldn't hurt a six year old, she couldn't touch Regina with Cora around, and she couldn't take on her mother!

She needed a way to get revenge but how? That was when he came into the picture. Rumplestiltskin. The Dark One. The person her father always told her to never cross paths with. He offered to teach magic that Cora could never to teach her about, so that one day she would cast some curse he couldn't cast himself. Why the Dark One couldn't cast his own curse, Zelena wasn't sure. But she agreed on one condition. Cora had to go.

So Rumplestiltskin gifted Zelena with some magical mirror that would take Cora to another world. Zelena pushed her mother through and broke the mirror. Her mother was gone forever. Zelena used magic to fake a corpse of Cora and say she was dead.

But, the few down sides of not having Cora around was that she still couldn't leave the kingdom without Leopold because of some stupid spell her mother cast. Luckily Rumplestiltskin lived in the kingdom and could travel to anywhere he pleased. Unfortunately, it meant if she tried to run, Zelena would be found within a week.

Zelena attempted to bring Daniel back to life, but it was a flop and she ended up crushing the heart of another apprentice of Rumple.

Then there was Regina. She cried at Cora's "funeral". The ungrateful brat didn't realize this meant she could marry whoever she wanted. If she fell for a stable boy, she wouldn't have a mother to crush his heart. Regina should be celebrating! She didn't have to be a queen!

Speaking of Regina, she and Snow had grown incredibly close despite the eight year difference. Partly because Regina always wanted a younger sister. Partly because Snow always wanted an older sister. And partly because they were the youngest two people at the castle daily and labled 'little girls'.

The way the two girls got along angered Zelena deeply. Snow was her stepdaughter! Regina took her away from Zelena too! Zelena became slightly comforted upon realizing Snow convinced Regina to tell Cora about Daniel. But that quickly turned to anger and craved to kill Snow as almost much as she wished to kill her sister. Almost

On Snow's tenth birthday, Zelena decided she had enough of this life. It had been for years of watching Regina live a charmed life. Regina has grown more and more beautiful. So much so that the people have began to call her the fairest of them all. Snow grown prettier too, being as pretty as a ten year old can be. Zelena was plain next to her sister and stepdaughter.

"Snow you have grown as fair as your mother was." King Leopold said affectionately.

Zelena rolled her eyes. He was talking about Snow's real mother, not her. Never her. Always the original queen, always the king, always Snow White, always Regina. Zelena looked over to her younger sister and glared at her with hatred.

The eighteen year old girl had grown into an award winning horse rider and was constantly being asked for her hand in marriage, in the past few months. All Zelena wanted to do was crush her heart in the palm of her hand. But what was she to do? She couldn't leave the castle grounds without the king. Of course if the king was dead the spell would be broken. Wait a minute! If the king was dead! She could kill the king and Snow and frame Regina!

It would be perfect! Zelena would get revenge, get rid of Snow and Regina, and be such a strong and powerful queen and everyone would love her. Everyone would bow down to her and talk about how smart, talented and beautiful she was! This is gonna be fun!

And so the next week, young Snow White awoke to the gentle shaking of the maid, Johanna.

"What's wrong?" Snow said noticing the troubled look on Johanna's face.

"Snow dear, there's no easy way to tell you this, but I'm afraid-the king is dead."

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