Regretful Reunions, Bad Choices, and Painful Memories

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Thinking quickly, Snow ran past everyone, scaled down the building, and darted past a gaurd, stealing his sword. Just in case.

Snow ran to the Dwarfs and shouted.

"Wait!" And everyone's attention went to the princess. "It's me you want! I am the princess, I know where the bandit Regina is. And I'll tell you where she is if you let them go!"

In her mind she kicked herself. She just agreed to give up her best friend for the sake of seven dwarfs she literally just met! But, Snow said what she said and well, lying is always an option.

"No one move." A wicked voice boomed. "You'd really give up your precious Regina for dwarfs."

Snow faced her stepmother as bravely as she could and said. "Um... well that's um... that's... well, you see.. oh, do you people actually think this women is someone worth bowing to!?"

"Answer me!" Zelena screeched.

At this point Granny had found her way to the courtyard, somehow found a crossbow, and pointed it at Zelena. But as the bow went towards the queen, Zelena held her hand up behind her, and stopped the bow in the air.

Turning around, Zelena sneered. "Really, dear stepdaughter! An old bat! That's your big help!"

"LEAVE. HER. ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A furious voice screamed.

"Regina!" Snow said relieved.

But said girl glared at her furiously and angrily remarked. "Not a word from you."

Snow did as told without question. This was, obviously, justified. She left without Regina's knowledge, which she had done before, but it was still a rule. Then she got herself caught, all for a kid who'd forget her after two minutes. Of course, sacrificing herself for Roland was something she was completely willing to do, but to it would probably mean sacrificing Regina, too. Snow held Regina in such a high respect that she was relatively sure Regina would do the same, but it was an entirely different thing to do such a thing without even asking Regina. Yeah, Snow White was in major trouble.

Zelena however, was overjoyed. For over a year she had searched the land for this little brat, having to listen to their father go on and on about how she must be mistaken. Looking her sister up and down, Zelena could see Regina had somehow managed to become even more gorgeous then when she ran away. The queen was fueled with jealousy of the young women who had destroyed the one thing she that Regina didn't.

Never mind that this the girl who used to braid her hair and do her makeup. Never mind that this was the girl who played with her when no one else would. Never mind that this was the girl who lent her toys. Never mind that this was the girl who Zelena once promised herself she'd protect.

No! Zelena would not let herself remember that horrid time when she objected herself to that little brat. Over the years, she often thought about those times. Sometimes she yearned to be that six year old desperate to get a very spoiled little two year old to play dress up with her. Whenever Zelena's mind wondered to those times she would remember all the times she was miserable because of a punishment she had been given while protecting her 'precious baby sister'.

Snapping out of a five second reminisce, Zelena smiled wickedly.

"There you are, sis!" She exclaimed with as much wicked sweetness as she could pour into a few simple words. "How I've missed you so."

"Shut up!" Regina snapped angrily.

Zelena rolled her eyes. "Oh, 'Gina. Didn't mommy ever tell you to show respect to your superiors. Oh wait, of course she didn't! That was always me."

Regina looked at her sister bitterly. "You didn't have to protect me."

"I felt it my job. That was my first mistake."

"Your Majesty." Regina mock bowed attempting to convince herself the girl she once idolised was dead and gone.

Zelena conjured a fireball in her hand, after making some wicked speech Regina didn't even attempt to follow because she knew she'd come out hating herself.

Anyway, when Zelena did that, she sort of set off an entire battle. The Merry Men, which were obviously present, started shooting arrows, and drawing swords, Granny had shot more crossbows, Red lost her hood and went full wolf as it was a full moon, the gaurds on Zelena's side started to fight them off, the dwarfs managed to find swords, hellbent on avenging their fallen brother, and the boy did the same, though clearly scared out of his mind.

Regina smirked, knowing she was gonna apart of this.

Hi! I'm back! I hope I haven't kept you waiting very long. Enjoy!

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