Stealthy Argues

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The day this chapter shall be released is October 18th. My 13th birthday. This is now an event I shall forever call "The Great Birthday of Updates."

As Snow and her new friends ran through the hallway, she couldn't help but reminisce about how the hell she got there. Red grabbed her hand for her own comfort but she managed to comfort the both of them.

"This way." Stealthy barked.

"No, this way." Snow piped.


"Your way will put us through the front." She explained. "We should go this way. It leads to stairs. If we keep our heads down, we have a much better chance of escaping without issue."

"And how exactly do you know that princess."

"I know this place like the back of my hand."

"And I know all places like the back of my hand."

"And I know this place specifically, with no other places to possibly distract me from this specific place, like the back of my hand."

"Okay, you people decide." He looked at the others. "Go with the man who is literally named Stealthy of go with the princess."

"The princess who spent her entire life sneaking through these very halls to spy on prisoners behind the entire castles backs!"

"Shut it!"

"Don't talk to me like I'm leading us into a deathtrap. That's your job."

Okay, maybe Zelena was right when she said Regina rubbed off on Snow.

Stealthy grumbled, but ignored her, instead prompting the others to choose.

All the dwarfs went with Stealthy while Red insisted she and her grandmother went with Snow. Henry, of course, went with his step granddaughter, and the boy probably thought the dwarfs had the right idea but didn't want to stick out so he went with Snow.

They scaled across the wall, keeping their heads down, under the windows. Silently scaling the building, Snow peaked a look through the window, then stopped and stared.

"You said keep moving." Red whispered.

"We don't need to worry about that anymore." She said under her breath.

They all looked out the window. Stealthy was dead.

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