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Back to Regina! Yay!

Regina woke up to the birds chirping as she yawn and slowly sat up. She looked to her side and was suprised Snow wasn't on the other side of the tent. Regina looked around the camp and realized she was no where in site. Oh, come on! That girl knew she wasn't supposed to leave without Regina. Or at least without Regina's consultion. Sitting on a stone, Regina picked up the basket of berries to eat and waited.

And waited, and waited, and waited. Where was that child! Snow had done this a few times but never this long! Never this long. Standing up, Regina bolted, picking up a sword and searched the forest.

"Snow! Snow!" She screamed whilst running.

After a few hours of searching, just before sunset, Regina became exhausted from nonstop searching. But still she ran, looking for her friend, until finally, she tripped on a stone and stumbled into a man.

"Very sorry, M'lady." He said in a sweet, loving, somewhat weary voice.

"No, no its my fault." Was her reply.

Looking up at him, Regina saw that he was a handsome man with loving blue eyes, and sandy hair. He held out his hand and she took it, and was helped up. But when her hand touched his, it was like a static of emotion. It was something she never felt before.

Shaking her head, she asked. "Have you seen a preteen girl, black mane, greenish eyes, doesn't know how to cut her hair?"

"Snow White?" A large man growled.

Regina was startled to realize the man had company, alot of company.

"Calm yourself, Little John." The man Regina ran into said, then turned to her. "Snow White?"

"Yes! Have you seen her?" She exclaimed.

But seeing each and every man he was with, express anger on their faces shut her up.

"Haven't you heard!" The man said. "My son was taken prisoner to Leopold's kingdom because of that girl."

"What!?" Regina screeched. "That means she's gotta be there too. Oh crap. Thanks!"

She ran away but alot of the men tried to stop her.

"Wait!" Little John said. "You're concerned about the girl and not the child!"

The first man grabbed a hold of her wrist. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Yes I am! Let go!"

"No!" He remarked. "You know the girl who got my son kingdoms away and I'm just supposed to let you go!"

"Look I'll free your kid too!" Regina protested. "Now, bye bye!"

"You are not touching him!"


"No! Let's just... Let's just talk about this!"

"Talk about this." Regina narrowed her eyes. "Really."

"I'm Robin Hood."


"The woman who killed that king!" Little John gasped.

Everyone but Robin raised their weapons.

"What!? I didn't do that!"

"Right." Robin Hood shook his head. "Then what happened."

"My sister, she killed the king then tried to send this huntsman after Snow and I!"

"Oh your sister!"


"Then why does the queen say you did this horrid deed."

"Because my sister is the queen!"

Everyone gasped and Robin Hood let go of his grip. Regina smirked and bolted.

"Wait!" He staggered.

He ran after her and they ran after him.

"Okay, enough of you!" Regina said determined not let him catch up to her. "I'm about to go face my sister and I really hate distractions!"

"Wait why is your sister doing this!" Robin Hood asked.

"She thinks I ruined her life!"

"Did you?" He caught up to her.

She stopped."Yes." Regina admitted reluctantly. "And it's not fair for Snow to suffer because of what I did. So I politely ask you. Leave me alone." She bolted.

"Let us help you!"

Regina stopped again. "What?"

"What?" Most Merry Men questioned.

"She wants to find her friend, we have to find my son, they're in the same place and Regina here needs protection from her sister. It fits."

"Because it's Snow White's fault!" Little John protested.

"She is eleven!" Regina glared at him.

"It doesn't matter!" Robin yelled. "Are we going to argue or are we going to rescue them."

Everyone looked irritated.

"Whatever." Regina threw her hands in the air and started walking. Robin Hood followed. And slowly, so did the Merry Men.

Sister Power!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang