Battle Scene

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What is this? I've been raised from the dead! It's 2017! It's April! So many things to do! But I'm that much closer to Stranger Things Season 2! And a bunch of people want to interview me about being dead! Well first things first I've got to update my Wattpad stories.

Battle raged as Zelena threw her fireball at Regina, who ducked and pulled out her sword. Regina knew that she would be Zelena's main goal. She also realized how stupid it was to fight with a sword against a witch.

Zelena attempted to freeze her but to her shock, she was unable to freeze her sister.

"What have you done?" She hissed; Regina smirked that same infuriating smirk. It made her blood boil. Yeah, Zelena definitely needed to make her die a painful death.

Meanwhile, in another part of the battlefield, Snow White gave a hearty laugh as she threw her sword at her dueler. He scoffed as he dodged the weapon, clearly underestimating the princess.

However, the man didn't count on Snow also throwing a smaller, much harder to see dagger at the rope holding up several crates overhead the elder opponent. The crates fell on him and Snow smirked and took the opportunity to bolt.

She made it to the top of a staircase and momentarily pondered on how Regina used to make full jumps down the stairs, and then encouraged Snow to do the same.

She grabbed a rope, hanging above the staircase and swung herself across the area, used a guard as a landing area, and disarmed another guard. Panting, she realized that she had just saved one of the Merry Men. Snow then smirked at the look on his face. Needless to say Regina would be proud.

Red was viciously scratching, yet managing not to bite several guards.

However, whenever anyone looked like he might get a half decent shot at the wolf. Her dear Granny would hit him with a crossbow. No one paid her much mind as the enemies probably thought her crazy and harmless. They probably assumed someone else would deal with her. The guards all thought alike.

A guard swung his sword at the wolf and managed to injure its wrist. The animal howled in pain and it started to pounce on the man, but the elderly lady shot an arrow at his wrist. It sent him tumbling backwards and away from the wolf.

David, the boy who never told Snow White his name, was in the background. He tried to fight but found he was to scared and he wasn't really sure what to do. He wasn't some bandit or werewolf like these people!

A guard glanced at him and started to walk towards him. David panicked sticking up a small dagger, shivering, but put on a brave face, nonetheless.

The guard laughed and kept going but Snow jumped on his back, confusing him. She then proceeded to knock him out and smirk at David.

"Saved ya life!" She laughed when she saw his expression. "You know that Merry guy had the exact same look on his face! Is being saved by me really that jaw dropping?"

Grumpy was enraged with grief. Stealthy was his brother and now he was just gone! He put his sword through an enemy that attempted to battle Sleepy. He wouldn't fail the others

The other dwarfs were doing their best. Dopey snuck up on one man and tackled him to the ground, Sneezy threw his sword to Doc, who attacked the closest enemy, and Bashful reluctantly knocked out a guard who tried to kill Happy, who was trying to stop the battle.

"Now, now. We can work this out! All we need is a little love!"

Bashful wanted to tell him to stop but was to scared of offending Happy to do so.

Robin shot arrows several guards whilst running through the courtyard, looking for his son. Panicking, he started frantically searching the area until he looked up at a hallway suspended up on a wall and saw the tip of the head of an elderly gentlemen.

Desperate, Robin shot arrows at anyone who attempted to get in his way and found a staircase leading to the hallway. He had never been more relieved in his life as when he saw Roland in Henry's lap.

"Papa!" Roland smiled brightly.

"Roland." Robin picked his son up and hugged him.

The father-son reunion was short lived however when the fight between the Zelena and Regina escalated and....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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