Failed Runaways

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So Zelena and Daniel were preparing to runaway together. Zelena grabbed a bag filled with gold and jewels and made her way out her bedchamber window, down ropes and rooftops, and finally safely jumping down into a haystack. She had already done it a hundred times in the past few years. It was how she met with Daniel other than riding lessons.

At riding lessons, they were almost always accompanied by Regina, and it's not that easy to profess their love when a little sister is there. Their parents also had a tendency to watch their lessons. Luckily, Zelena needed more help than Regina, so she got more attention. But, they had to be careful that no one saw them. And secretly holding hands for 10 seconds and affectionate smiles weren't nearly as satisfying as they wish it was. Of course they would meet after lessons, in the stables, once Regina left but that wasn't enough either. So they met at night.

"Your mother was a miller's daughter! Surely she'll understand!" Daniel had argued.

But Zelena had exclaimed. "She believes in moving up in the social structure!"

So Daniel had sighed."And I'm down."

"I love you!" Zelena remarked."But yes."

Zelena shook her head and got up from the haystack. She made her way to the stables and found Daniel. "Ready!"


And the lovers kissed, then ran into the stables and out the door, but were stopped by Cora revealing herself from out side the door.

Cora then stated."You could've at least left a note." Then pushed them back and closed all the doors with her magic.

"Mother! I-" Zelena gasped.

"Don't!" Cora said bitterly. "You sneak out of my house in the dead of night and think I won't notice! How dare you!"

Daniel and Zelena got up, helping each other. Zelena wondered if she would have to use her magic. She knew she couldn't beat her mother in a witch duel. Cora taught her everything Zelena knew, but not everything she knew. They were doomed.

"You're impossible to talk to." Zelena attempted to explain, still a little out of breath."Stop with the magic. And listen to me for once in your life! I'm in love with Daniel and I'm not losing him!"

"You're just a child! You don't know what you want." Cora remarked. "But I do. I didn't make the sacrifices I did in life to get you to the cusp of greatness, only for you to give it up for a stable boy!"

Zelena protested."It's my life! I'm not a child. I should be in control of the rest of my life, not you!"

Cora began to laugh hysterically."You foolish girl!" Then suddenly Cora stopped laughing. "It's mine. Both you and your sister's lives are mine! After what I had to do! The deals I had to make! To get us out of poverty! To get us to this life! You just plan to throw it all away!"

"Stay strong, Zelena." Daniel whispered.

"Magic can't keep us apart!" Zelena smirked. "I love him!"

"And I love her!" Daniel exclaimed.

But Cora yelled. "And I love her, too."

"If you loved me, you'd let me be with him!" Zelena screamed. "You'd give me love!"

"If you loved me you wouldn't try to runaway!" Cora spat.

"Well maybe I wouldn't runaway if you would just let me have what I actually care about for once in my life!"

Cora's eyes softened, as she realized she'd have to use the same trick she used on her sister. "Zelena is this really what you want? To give up royalty for a stable boy!"

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