Snow's POV

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The next year was-eventful for Snow to say the least. For starters, they had to learn how to use a sword and bow and arrow. To Regina's shock, Snow had already learned how to  do the latter two.

"I might have snucken out at night to practice archery ever since I was seven." She smiled with hoax innocence.

Regina scolded her but couldn't help but feel proud. So anyway, another thing that changed for Snow and Regina was magic.

A strange imp that went by the name Rumplestiltskin offered to teach her magic. He said he needed Regina and Snow alive for his plans. This scared Snow. But Regina was a girl who went from living the life of a princess to a bandit, running from her more experienced sister and had to take care of a ten year old. She was desperate.

And then more things changed. Regina got them a ride to Sherwood Forest and then even more things changed. It all started a year into banditry. They were just getting used to this life.

One morning, just before sunrise, Snow woke up to the sound of whining. Regina was sleeping soundly so Snow didn't want to wake her up. So she searched for the noise and found-a toddler.

Surprised, Snow picked him up and attempted to soothe him. "Shh. It's okay. I'll find your home."

She looked around and realized there was no village for miles.

"Wow, you must be far from home." Snow frowned. "Well, so am I."

The boy stopped crying and hugged her tightly.

She smiled sadly. "What's your name?"


"Roland?" Snow guessed and the boy began to clap causing her smile to widen."I'm Snow White. Your family must be worried sick. Let's get you home."

And she carried him down the trail, forgetting to ask Regina for permission. After a few hours of searching she gave an exhausted sigh and sat on a rock sitting Roland on her lap.

"This is pointless!" Snow cried. "We're searching endlessly and I don't even know if you have a home!"

Snow chose to ignore the cries of 'Papa!' that came up every now and then. Just than she heard footsteps. Snow got up happy to find a ride for Roland, forgetting about her own safety.

So she picked Roland up and ran for the carriage. Until she saw who was in the carriage. The gaurds from her kingdom.

"Snow White!" One of them said.

There were many reasons Snow was scared. She had never fought without Regina. Let alone with a toddler. Let alone people who would take her to her stepmother.

Did she miss the castle? Everyday. But she couldn't go back to Zelena, who knows what she'll do. Zelena didn't care about her, Regina did. Snow did not want to think about the things Zelena would do in order to get to her little sister.

Panicking, Snow dropped Roland onto the ground and pulled out her sword.

"We don't want to hurt you, your Highness." Another gaurd said gently.

Not sure what to do, Snow charged forward, and began to fight them. She put up a fight but one of the gaurds began to walk towards the child.

"No! He's just a child! You can't do this!" She screamed.

The gaurd's leader's eyes lit up. "We'll spare the child's life if you lay down your weapons and come with us."

Snow's eyes widened. "My father would never approve of this! He's a child!"

"Your father is dead!"

She wasn't sure what to do. This child or Regina. The latter helped her through everything, was her closest friend, and saved her life. But the former was a young and innocent soul who under no circumstances deserves to die.

The gaurds, however, took her silence as a yes and cuffed her hands. They took her and Roland to Snow's kingdom and eventually to her castle. They set her before Zelena.

"Oh, my dear stepdaughter! How you've worried me!" She exclaimed wickedly.

Snow remained silent.

"After that horrible Regina kidnapped you I had began to lose hope." Zelena smirked. "But now you're safe and sound right here where you belong."

Snow snapped her head to stepmother. "Regina didn't kidnap me! You and your stupid gaurds did!"

Zelena faked concern but Snow could see through it. "Oh dear, is that what Regina told you? Well I'll just have to set you straight."

Snow frowned. "Humor me."

"Regina's rubbed off on you. Pity." Zelena rolled her eyes. "Regina killed your father, then kidnapped you! And apparently she brainwashed you into believing I'm the bad guy!"

"No." Snow's eyes widened. "Your lying! You can't fool me! You can fool the gaurds. And the staff. And this entire kingdom and not me!"

"Oh darling you don't know what you're saying."

"I know exactly what I'm saying." Snow said with tears in her eyes. "And no matter what you think you will always be the Wicked Queen!"

"Your worse of then I imagined. Gaurds take the princess to the dungeons!" Zelena ordered.

And they did.

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