Wicked Secrets Part 2

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Regina walked around the estate. Cora and Henry were preparing to move to the castle, Zelena and Daniel were preparing to runaway, and everyone else was preparing for the king's wedding. Regina was bored at of her mind, and wished for someone to talk to. This wish was apparently answered as the next thng she knew, Regina felt a little tap on her shoulder.

Regina turned around and saw Snow White, who asked her,"Will you play with me?"

"I would love to!" Regina smiled.

And so they went to Regina's room and played, giggled, and finally told each other stories about their lives.

"So there I was, covered from head to toe in mud, holding the necklace, which was also covered in mud." Regina laughed. "Mother was hysterical when she saw me, and I was the most scared eight year old you've ever seen."

"She didn't go too hard on you!" Snow said.

"If screaming and locking me in my room for a week isn't 'too hard', I don't know what is." Regina exclaimed.

"She's only doing it because she loves you." Snow said quietly. "You should be thankful."

"I kind of doubt that." Regina said softly.

"I'm gonna give you advice!" Snow remarked suddenly. "Don't lose her! Don't lose your mother! My mother is dead! Yours isn't! Don't lose her! You need her! You need to be grateful that you can still have what I lost. Can I tell you something?"

Regina nodded and the six year old continued,"I'm sure Zelena will be a lovely stepmother, but I don't think she'll be as good a mother as my real mother was. I've wished on a million stars that she was still alive."

Regina felt tears in her eyes as she pulled Snow into a hug.

The rest of the day Regina was lost deep in thought. She couldn't help but replay Snow's speech in her head. Every story Regina had told, almost always showed Cora as strict, cold, and angry. Perhaps it was just Regina seeing things from her own point of view. She was the one who thought it was a good idea to spin a diamond necklace on her finger.

Maybe that was what Zelena was doing. Maybe mother was so strict it blinded them. What if all this love is weakness stuff was just a way of telling her daughters not to let the people you love stop you from fulfilling your ambitions! Maybe Cora could be convinced to give Zelena and Daniel her blessing! Oh but there was no way their mother was gonna let her daughter give up a king for a stable boy! Unless Regina offered to marry some other king and promise not to do like her sister! Yes it would all work out! Regina would be a queen, Zelena would have love, and Cora would have a queen for a daughter!

Of course it meant Regina would have to give up love. But Zelena would be happy and so would Cora. And maybe Regina would get lucky and love her future husband. Perhaps Regina could have what King Leopold had with his old wife. Of course since Regina was fourteen she still had years to marry but she knew it was effective to think ahead.

So Regina got up and found her mother.

"Regina." Her mother smiled. "I'm very busy and you should get ready for bed."

"I need to tell you something." Regina whispered back.

Cora rolled her eyes and said,"Well it will have to wait child."

"It can't, their leaving tonight!"

Cora turned to face her second daughter."Who's leaving?"

"Zelena and Daniel, the stable boy!" Regina exclaimed. "They're in love!"

"What!" Cora said horrified."That brat thinks she can throw away everything I've given her!"

"Wait, mother!" Regina protested."You must let them be together! It's true love! But Zelena shouldn't have to lose you! And ruining this will only make her hate you more!"

"Leave this to me darling."

"No! You don't understand yet! Let me help you understand!" Regina begged.

"How can you do that when you can't understand yourself." Cora said bemused.

"But I do understand!" Regina insisted."Just hear me out!"

Cora was mad but relented. "You have my attention, don't waste it."

Regina smiled and said,"Zelena and the stable boy are truly in love and she would do anthing for him. But she shouldn't have to runaway! She shouldn't have to choose between losing you or him! I know you always said love was weakness, but surely you love Zelena and me! You don't want to lose her, so let her be happy! And I know you want us to be queens, so I promise with all my heart that when you set me up with a king, I'll marry him! Just let Zelena have her true love! For you, for her, for both of you."

Regina looks up at her mother hopefully. Cora sighed realizing her daughter wasn't going to stop.

"Regina, if I give Zelena permission to marry a stable boy, and cancel the wedding, would that make you happy?" Cora asked.

"More than anything mother!" Regina grinned.

"Very well. I'll give them my blessing."Cora replied.

Regina then exclaimed, "Oh, thank you mother!"

The two then hugged and when Regina pulled away to go to bed, she failed to notice the evil smirk on her mothers face.

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