New Friends

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The gaurds threw Snow into the dungeon so hard it was as though they didn't care she was the princess. Which they probably didn't. They threw her so hard she blacked out a little.

She awoke to the sound of crying and found Roland in chains, next to her.

"You locked up a toddler!"

The gaurd stood still, but said. "He is the son of Loxley's most wanted theif."

"So you locked him up!" Snow exclaimed in disgust. "When I'm the queen this will never pass!"

The gaurd said nothing as though he said all he had to. However another voice spoke up.

"You're gonna be the queen?" Came a scratchy voice. Snow turned her head and saw a brunette in a red cloak that looked to be her age.

"I'm the princess. Don't worry, I'm against my stepmother. Snow White, but you probably already knew that. Yours?"

"I don't even know anymore."

"How could you not know your own name! Do you have amnesia?" Snow looked at her with concern.

"No." The girl frowned. "Of course I know my name!"

"So what's the problem."

"I'm a wolf."

"What!" Snow's eyes widened I concern.

"I didn't even know intil your mother-"


"-locked me up here. Gave me this enchanted hood to stop me from escaping. My entire life was a lie!"

"Well I'll have to call you something."

The brunette looked at her hood. "Red, call me Red."

"Nice to meet you red."

Snow and Red smiled at each other but then a gruff voice spoke up. "Will you two shut the hell up!"

The princess was startled to realize that there were more people in the room. She looked around to take in who else was there. Other than Snow, Red, and Roland there were seven men who were sort of short like dwarfs. Her eyes widened, she had never seen a dwarf before let alone seven. There was also an elderly women, Zelena and Regina's father for some reason, and a young peasant boy who looked to be Snow and Red's age.

"How many people did she lock up!"

"Snow." Henry smiled. "What are you doing here? Is Regina okay? Is she here?"

"Regina! She doesn't even know I left! She'll be so worried!" Snow cried. "She's in Sherwood, but why are you here?"

"Zelena locked me up." Henry shook his head. "She said it was the only way to keep me out of her way. I know Regina, she would never do something like this."

"She didn't." Snow reassured."What about the rest of you?"

The old women snorted. "Arrested for knowingly harboring a wolf."

Red spoke up. "She's my grandmother. Kept what I am from me, my entire life."

"I was hoping you wouldn't get it."

"Well I did!" Red started to cry.

"Great, now she's crying again. What is she half waterfall too." The dwarf from before snapped.

Red's grandmother rolled her eyes and looked at Snow. "Call me granny, everyone does."

"Hi!" Snow smiled at the boy. "Who are you?"

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