Chapter 4

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Third Person POV:

Nothing but the faint chirping of crickets could be heard as she hid in the cover of darkness. She watched as a guard walked by, not noticing nor scenting her. She waited until the coast was clear and quickly raced forward, ducking into the next shadow she saw. Her eyes flickered towards the house where her target lay. Her eyes darted around, she mentally noted where the guards current stood. She'd have to act quick once her target was--dealt with.

She quickly raced towards the house, making sure her footsteps were silent. Peering up at the house, my eyes flickering about in search of an entry. Seeing a window that appeared to be unlocked, she began to climb up the house. Her hands hit the widow seal and she hoisted herself up. The window indeed had been open and she--as quietly as she could--opened it. She slipped into the dark room and looked around. It was a bed room. Posters were hung on the walls and in the middle of the room was a bed. A little girl, about six or seven, slept, holding a stuffed tiger close to her. What the silver haired girl didn't understand was that pain and trauma she was about to cause the young girl.

Slowly she crossed the room, her eyes remaining on the sleeping girl the entire time. Carefully she reached out her hand and turned the door knob. She inched her way out of the room and into the hallway. She softly closed the door and looked around, determining which room would contain her target.

Spotting a door at the end of the hall, she figured her target would be there. The silver haired girl slowly creeped over to it. She carefully reached out and turned the door knob. It was unlocked.

Silently she crept into the room. A large bed sat in the middle of the room, it's headboard against a wall. A man, perhaps forty or so lay in the bed sleeping, a woman about the same age next to him. The silver haired girl slowly walked towards the man, her hand on one of her twin daggers.

Her dull black eyes stared down at the peacefully sleeping man, an empty look on her face. She slid the dagger from her belt and lifted it up. She placed her hand over the man's mouth, when she did his eyes opened. Fear was clearly seen in his eyes when he saw her, as he knew who she was. What werewolf hadn't heard the rumors? He stayed silent, not moving nor speaking out of pure terror.

She lifted the blade and placed its edge on the farther side of his throat. A faint whimper could be heard, but she didn't listen to his silent pleas. With a quick jerk of motion her arm moved back and the blade sliced his throat. Blood slowly seeped out of the would as the man's eyes dulled and were soon sightlessly looking at her. She wiped the droplets of blood on the blanket and left.

She quickly left the house the way she had came and raced to get away from the territory. If she was lucky, no one would notice that something was wrong till morning. She ran into the woods, the light of dawn spilled out onto the land. Shouts and horrified cries could be heard as the silver haired girl shifted into a silver colored wolf and ran through the woods to where she had come from.

617 words

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