Ride home

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The ride home went by all to quickly; knowing that once we were there everything would go back to normal. The twins would leave and Nesa would go back to Oklahoma.

We still had an hour to get home, and my thoughts were slowly killing me. My eyes started to water thinking about it a Ethan noticed, pulling me over towards him until I was practically sitting on his lap.

"What's wrong, Madz?" he asked me, placing my hands in his.

"You have to leave again," I sighed.

His face matched mine when I told him that and he pulled me even closer, lying my head on his chest.

"I know," he whispered, "but I don't want you to be upset," he told me and kissed me. I nodded.

An hour later we were pulling up at our apartments. I looked up and Ethan, "wake up sleepy," I smiled, shaking him. He looked at me confused me a second and then smiled back.

"I love you," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "get out of the car, you sap." He laughed and jumped down, losing his balance and falling on the hard concrete below him.

He stood back up and soon as he fell,
"I'm okay. I'm just tired," he said, embarrassed.

"C'mon," I wrapped my arms around his waist from the back and guided him to his room. He laid in his bed and pulled me on top of him so that I was straddling him.

I smirked at him and I could feel him get hard between my legs. "Gross, E, save it," I told him.

"Okay," he gave in and closed his eyes, "I have to go to that counselor for my anxiety tomorrow at 11:00, don't forget."

"I won't," I said, laying beside him and looking at the clock that read 2:00 am. I tangled myself up in his arms and took in his aroma. He smelled like Old Spice and smoke, like always.

Thank you for those of you who read, and waited patiently.
I've been busy.
Longer chapter next I promise.

All the love.

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