Test 1: Anomalia's Interview

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A silent room with a suffocating atmosphere.

Three pairs of eyes focus on me the moment I enter the room; like hungry wolves eying a helpless rabbit.

I stagger until I reach a black chair.

The man in front of me politely points toward the chair, so I obediently sit down.

"Nick Armond, right?"


I answer through my dry throat.

The man marks something on a printed page, most likely recording my attendance.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Charles. These are Dan and George."

Charles introduces the two elderly men sitting beside him. The two men only nod, one of them also throws me a thin smile.

"Let's begin, tell us a little about yourself."

Charles immediately cuts to the chase.

I take a deep breath and conquer my nervousness.

This is just another interview.

Just another job interview.

My opening speech has already been practiced and polished many times. Even if I'm nervous presenting myself, I can still pull it off like a robot.

"Well then."

I throw a weak smile as I scan every of the three interviewers in order.

I begin introducing my background, focusing on my accumulated knowledge and experience.

Firstly, I briefly cover my studies in high school and university.

I focus mainly on my attained knowledge in computer science and the practical projects in which I was involved

Next, I speak of the previous company I worked for. I deliver practical examples of tasks and responsibilities I have experience with.

They all stay silent, while attentively listening to a speech which I have practiced to death.

"And now I'm here."

I smile as I look at each of them. After delivering my usual speech without fail, my tension is gradually replaced by confidence.

"In other words, you have only two years of practical experience as a QA."

The man to my right touches his glasses as he observes my reaction.

"Regrettably so. The company I worked for was bought by Google and the QA team was replaced."

"I see."

The man retreats peacefully, without bashing my inexperience further.

So far so good.

"Why do you seek this specific job?"

The man to my left asks with a stiff expression.

"Honestly, I tried a few other places as well. But working in Anomalia sounds like the most challenging and innovative."

I try to speak casually to warm up the atmosphere, but it's not very effective on this old golem; his face remains dead serious.

"Innovative? In what way?"

"Well, it's about testing androids which aren't even sold in the market right now. When they are released, I believe they'll become next big thing. This job is like taking a part in redefining the future or something."

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