Test 16: Naming

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"Ah... um..."

Nothing comes out. My mind is a vast, ever-stretching blankness.

The one in front of me is a small girl, who has magically become my daughter less than 5 minutes ago. She is an android, yet looks astonishingly human.

Where do I begin from in such a messed up situation? What am I supposed to talk about?

No idea.

Absolutely no idea.


I sigh as I drop on the sofa, trying to collect my thoughts; striking a conversation has never been my forte.

Perhaps it would have been easier If she looked more like a machine. But she looks like a human, behaves like a human, speaks like a human, sits beside me like a human-!?


I jump away toward the edge of the sofa, almost slipping onto the floor. W-when did she get here!?


She blinks in surprise while examining my sudden actions. Once our eyes meet, she averts her face and pouts.

"Hmph, I just felt like sitting down here."

"I-is that so..."

I slowly crawl into the sofa instead of hanging on its edge. Despite what she says, she clearly sat down beside me on purpose, didn't she? Her tsuntsun behaviour makes that pretty clear.

Even though we have just met and hardly interacted, am I to assume she bears some sort of affection toward me? Because I'm her owner, her "papa"?

If this were a video game, I'd have to work hard in order to earn the favor of a tsundere girl. However, for an android who is an entertainment product, it makes some sense to cheat through that process and to make her attached to the owner from the get-go

Regardless of whether she loves her papa or not, the fact remains that I have to interact with this kid to do my job. More specifically, I have to try testing her "knowledge"... whatever that means.

That damn Eric, he didn't even bother to give me any hints about what sort of "knowledge" I should test. He totally threw me into the water and he doesn't give a damn, does he?

In that case, I'll try starting from the basics.

"Um... do you know your own name?"

"Huh? Do you think I'm stupid or something? Of course I know! Hmph!"

She glares through me in anger.

Good job, me. Good job...

Of course she knows her own name, she perfectly responded when I called her "July"earlier. She must have been programmed to know that name from the moment she was booted, even if nobody ever gave her that name.

... thinking of which, WHO came up with this name? Can the owner change it?

"Say, July..."

"Tch, what now?"

"Who gave you that name?"

"...? Wasn't it papa?"

She tilts her head with a blank expression. She doesn't appear to be angry this time, only sincerely confused.

Is this a default name for this model? It's awful if the client can't decide on a name himself.

"Say, can your name be changed?"

"Hm? Papa, you want to give me a different name?"

She looks at me in wonder, there's no hint of irritation or anger. Maybe she's not that much of a monster after all?

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