Test 21: Office Risks

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I arrive in the company at 8:43, a little earlier than I aimed for. After researching and calculating the routes of public transportation, this is as close as I can get to arriving at 9:00 without being late.

I pass my ID card by the entrance and the door opens.

I pass my card by the elevator and press on floor 6.

Once on the floor, I pass my card to enter the Artificial Imprinting department.

Then FINALLY, I need to pass my card in front of the office to open it. What's next? Using the card to breathe?

The door of my office obediently opens. Seems like Eric sorted out my authorization, at least he wasn't too lazy to do that much.

The air inside the room is thick and unpleasant. After putting down my backpack, I step out of the office and head toward room 631. It's one office away from my own, a walk which takes but a couple of seconds.

The office's door is wide open so I casually peek inside. There are three tables, but currently only one of them is occupied. The guy sitting there looks familiar, I think I saw him in Eric's room yesterday.

"Um... can I borrow the air conditioner remote?"

"Hm? What's wrong, man? Ran out of batteries?"

The guy turns to me with a smile.

"No, I'm from the QA team and I sorta... don't have a remote."

"Oh, you're that new guy Eric was talking about."

He nods to himself and continues.

"The name's Gary."


I approach his table to shake hands.

"So you're the only one on the QA?"

"Yeah... that's how it is."

"Haha, that's pretty neat, man. You have such a big office all for yourself."

"I'm... not really sure I need such a big one."

This guy is acting way too familiar to my taste. Can I go now? I have a daughter to wake up...

"If you have any questions, you can ask us veterans."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Though, in most cases we'll end up asking Eric anyway so that might be faster, haha."

So helpful! Pro worker!

"I'll return it right away."

I pick up the remote and Gary nods to me with a smile. I return to my office, turn on the air conditioner and then bring the remote back to room 631.

"Hang in there, man. I heard they are planning to bring more people to QA soon."

Gary catches me with his words before I manage to flee. This guy is too chatty, doesn't he have any work to keep him occupied?

Thinking of it, Eric also mentioned that more people will join the QA team sooner or later; it means that my monopoly over Lily will not last forever. Therefore, I must make the most out of the current situation...!

I return my office with quick strides and pick up Lily's remote.


Lily slowly raises to a sitting position, then slips down from the bed. She spots me and smiles in excitement.


tap tap tap

She runs toward me with a big, cute smile; she's remarkably deredere today.

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