Test 30: Anomalia Server

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Eric finally pays me a visit at 11:00.

"They sorted out your authorization to the server. Congratulations, you can now submit bugs."

"About time."

He walks toward my computer and sits down as if he owns the place.

I tell Lily to wait on the sofa while I join Eric in front of the computer. After inserting my silver card into the keyboard and quickly typing my birthday as the password - the desktop shows up.

"Here it is."

Eric navigates the mouse toward an application with the icon of a robotic arm and boots it up.

"You have two important tabs here, Tasks and Bugs."

The mouse hovers over the two labels, explaining them in order.

"In Tasks you'll find tasks assigned to you, as well as tasks which you assigned to others. In Bugs you'll find all the bugs that you opened."

I nod in understatement to his words.

There aren't any tasks open on me right now, since there's no "real" boss to assign me any. In the future it will probably be stuff like "Test this" and "Test that".

Ignoring the "Tasks" screen, Eric immediately enters into "Bugs". Though he looks calm on the outside, I can sense the rush in his hand movements; he must be in a hurry for a meeting or such.

"I'm not too familiar with the interface for opening bugs, as I'm always on the receiving end of those. But we'll figure it out."

He clicks on "New" and a popup window is prompted. The window contains multiple text boxes, with "Title" and "Description" being the most noticeable.

"Here, let's submit something and see what happens."

He brings both the keyboard and the mouse toward me.

So this is it.

Finally, I can do my job and flood the system with bug reports. Muhahaha!

Though, now that I'm in front of the screen and Eric is eying me - I have a blackout.

"Just report anything, no matter how trivial."

He tries to rush me. He's definitely in a hurry, so it feels uncomfortable to keep him hanging.

"Let's see... There's the case of her absurd weight, but the user manual already admits it as a known issue."

"It definitely has been submitted many times by now. But no matter, one more submission won't harm anybody."

He smiles irresponsibly, as if motivating me to prank someone.

"... isn't it bad having duplicates in the system?"

"Don't sweat the little details."

As a guy who should be constantly bombarded by bugs, I expected Eric to hate duplicated bugs with passion. It's irritating when you fix a bug, only for someone to mistakenly claim that it's still there.

But if he has no problem with it, neither do I.

I'm tempted to type "Absurd Kid Weight!!!" as the bug's title, but it's important to have a businesslike conduct even if it's boring.

The title I decide on is "Overweight for a Kid Model". In the description textbox I summarize the problem simply and objectively. There's no much to write, she's just too damn heavy.

"What do you think I should write here?"

I point at the "How to reproduce" section. The purpose of the textbox is clear, I need to detail how to reproduce the bug. But in this case...

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