Test 24: User Manual

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After leaving Lily to play with the Lego, I sit down in front of the computer.

I'd much rather play with my adorable daughter, a job is still a job. I have to build the impression that I'm doing some work, even if the one in charge hardly cares right now.

There are two downloaded files: the PRD document and the User Manual. The PRD is crucial for a QA to do his job, for it details the product's requirements.

Nevertheless, I prefer to begin with the User Manual right now. I'm much more interested in learning what functions Lily has and how to correctly handle her.

I open the file "Brat Tsundere chan ver 0.8.pdf". The manual's table of contents contains many section, which are largely divided into "Management" and "Remote Control".

The sections under Management focus on Lily's robotic body and how it should be handled. It starts with general maintenance guidelines, some of which I have already learned.

It addresses the special bed on which Lily rests to recharge, detailing how to connect the bed's cables and its importance. It's states that Lily can operate for 60 hours without being recharged.

In addition, she doesn't HAVE to be shut down in order to recharge while on the bed. Turning her off would simply save energy, thus making the recharging more efficient.

The next section focuses specifically on her physical build.


It starts off by stating the model's weight: 72.5 kg.

Though I consider this to be an unacceptable flaw in a child model, at the very least the manual doesn't try to sugarcoat the truth.

Further into the section, I learn that Lily is capable of eating and drinking. However, there's a big warning about giving her "extreme " food. Examples include food which is too hot, too cold or food which is... a living organism. Yikes.

Lily is also capable of crying and spitting. There's a water tank inside her, which allows her to eject liquid. No doubt this tank contributes nicely to her weight.

Digested food and absorbed liquids other than water are kept in a "trash can". She'd eventually have to empty the trash by going to the toilet.

The second part of the manual covers everything related to "Remote Control", notably using the remote controller itself. I fetch the remote from the big table, to examine it as I read through the manual.

It covers fairly banal functions, which feel as if they are meant for people who are too lazy to communicate with their own daughter. The manual even states that these commands can be issued verbally.

For example, you may order her to freeze in place without moving an inch, or you can order her to come over to your place.

Other than these simplistic orders, the remote also offers two big ways to configure Lily: "Attitude" and "Condition".

The "Attitude Meter" can be set from 1 to 5 and is said to alter her attitude toward the owner. Setting it to 1 would make her a loving attached child, whereas setting it to 5 would turn her cold and bratty.

Basically, this is a "Tsundere Meter".

It's a rather cheap feature, for the essence of tsundere is to be "cold" in order to "melt". You are expected to work your way into the girl's cold heart, to become worthy of being showered by her warmth.

Nevertheless, it makes sense to offer users the option; it's not every day that you have the required energy to deal with a tsundere brat. Even among those who love Japanese entertainment, there are enough of people who don't care much for the tsundere archetype.

Lily is currently set to 3 on the Tsundere Meter, which is the balance between dere and tsun. For now, I'm more than satisfied with this configuration.

The other major way to configure Lily is by setting her "Condition". This is a fairly cruel feature, which artificially invokes all manners of sensations in her.

You can make her feel sickly with a fever, make her lonely, make her mad and so forth. This is probably intended for role playing scenarios, such as taking care of a sickly little daughter.

It's a rather twisted feature, but...

No matter how human she is.

No matter how adorable she is.

She's still... still... well, a... a... a robot.


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