Test 32: Bug Reporting

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"Well then."

I click my neck and stretch my arms. Time to flood the server with complaints and rants!

The bug about Lily's weight is now flagged REJECTED in bright red. When I check for more details, the reason is marked as "Duplication".

Though I wasted some time and effort on submitting that bug, it wasn't a bad way to test the server's AI; I think Eric called it "Sweeper".

"Let's see, first..."

Lily's lack of culture knowledge is seriously bothering me as a fan of Anime. How could she not know the word "Tsundere" of all things!? Blasphemy!

Sadly, I'm inclined to set the bug's Severity to a mere 4, since not knowing this one word wouldn't break anything about her.

As for Priority... ugh. I want to give it Priority 1, but that would most likely be treated as a stretch.

The best argument I can deliver for the bug's importance would be: target audience. When this girl is released to the market: who would want to buy her first?

Obviously, they'd be fans of Tsundere. Customers who don't fancy Tsunderes would most likely be turned off by the model's "bratty" behaviour; these filthy casuals.

Just like me, the hardcore customers would expect their little Tsundere to know classic Japanese terms. Therefore, in term of business value, this is a fairly important flaw in the product.

Still, it's just one word. Can I give it anything better than Priority 3?

... wait, is it one word?

"Lily, do you know what 'baka' means?"

"Hm? Baka...?"

"Then how about 'onii-chan'?"


"Got it, thanks."

It's not just "Tsundere". It's every japanese term out there! Who worked on localizing her knowledge?! I'll punch the lights outta him!

I revise my bug report to address her general lack of knowledge about every single Japanese term that fans would want her to know. I even insert links to some wiki pages which contain lists of them.

Now, I can proudly change the Priority of this bug to at least 2.... heck I'll just slap it a critical 1! There's nothing more dangerous than enraged fanboy customers!

The next bug I decide to report is the frequent freezes which Lily experiences. It's very easy to tag both its Severity and Priority as 1.

It's unthinkable that nobody has reported it thus far, so it'll most likely be rejected as a duplicate. Nevertheless, it annoys me enough to rant about it.

She froze when she tried to learn word chain.

She froze when I changed her name.

She froze when I changed her Tsundere level.

I write down every example I can think of.

As the number of examples accumulates, I decide to split these bugs into separate reports. They are all individual scenarios, her reason for freezing may vary in each case.

Reporting all these cases separately should =ensure that I bring something new to the table, even if most of them will be rejected as duplicates.

The next issue which bothers me is Lily's lack of knowledge regarding word chain. Or better yet: her lacking ability to quickly pick it up.

Word chain is a fairly basic social game, however the PRD doesn't mention it in the requirements. Even if the PRD document can be considered a bible for the QA, whoever wrote it - is unmistakably human.

It's very possible that they forgot to include this game on the list, rather than chose to deliberately exclude it. Should I challenge the almighty PRD...!?

Yeah, sure. Why not.

I submit "Not Knowing Word Chain" as a bug. The Severity and Priority are both 4, this isn't an important thing to know by any means.

Compared to that, "Struggle to Learn Word Chain" is a bug of a very different magnitude. The PRD clearly states that the model should be capable of learning new games, just like a human kid.

Other than requiring knowledge of words, word chain is a remarkably simple game with virtually no rules to speak of. If she struggles to learn this - undoubtedly she'd struggle to learn many other games as well.

It's very tempting to submit that she also struggles with learning how to play Lego, but... should I?

A fair QA would report it, but in doing so I'd basically admit that I tested this scenario by bringing Lego to the office

... no, I'll keep it to myself for now.

For "Struggle to Learn Word Chain" I submit a rather high Severity of 2, since it causes freezes and these can't possibly be healthy.

As for Priority, it deserves a 1. Not because I regard Word Chain as an important game, but rather because there are many similar social games out there. They would undoubtedly pose the same hardships on the little girl, who is supposed to be fluent in mastering games.

In this manner, I keep flooding the server with reports until it's time for lunch break.


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