Test 27: Tsundere Meter

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I slowly open my eyes, to assess the situation.

I successfully brought her Tsundere level down to 1 with a long button press.


Lily wears a blank expression and sits in a daze.

D-did I break her!? I quickly run toward her to examine her condition.


She suddenly snaps out of it. Then she hangs her head again, resuming her brooding.

"Are you okay?"


She shakes her head and twists her lips in discomfort.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"N-no! Papa didn't do anything wrong..."

She crosses her arms, not as a sign of strength but rather as if she's cowering.

"It just..."

"Just what?"

"I made this... together with papa..."

Her eyes begin to well up with tears and small sobs can be heard.

She was so worked up... just because I took apart that Lego prototype? Because we spent some time building it together?

"But you see, with Lego there's no harm in taking apart what you built. You can use the parts to build something new and better."

"But... it was the first thing I made together with papa..."


Tears begin to flow from her pretty eyes.

I ... I am... I'm powerless in front of this sight.

"I-it's okay, we can build as many as you want-"


She leaps into my chest and buries her crying face in it.


Her shoulders shake while she tries to hug me with her small arms.





I hate kids.

No matter what they do, it's hard to resist them when they start crying and acting helpless.

Lily was already irresistibly cute in the first place. The sobbing and vulnerable Lily in my arms is just... just...!!!

"I get it, I won't tear it apart!"

I hug her tightly and pat her blonde hair.

I'll do anything.

As long as this girl stays happy, I'll satisfy any whim of hers. If she loves me so much and treasures our time together so dearly, I can't possibly ruin any of that.

"Easy there, guy."


W-who's there!?

Eric is standing by the door, watching me and Lily snuggling.

D-damn, this is awkward...! I immediately leap away from Lily and stand up to greet him.

"W-what's up?"

I try to smile. Nothing to see here. N-o-t-h-i-n-g to see.

"I warned you, you shouldn't do these things."

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