Test 41: Smashed Memories

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After finishing my lunch, I head to the back of the office.


Another tower falls apart it seems.

"T-this was on purpose, hmph!"

She averts her eyes from me, feigning confidence. I ignore her and proceed to the table hiding in office's rear.

Beneath the table lay all the unimaginative Lego constructs which me and Lily built together. I pull out the four Lego plates and bring them toward my table.

With her memories erased - Lily will no longer feel anything upon seeing these creations in shambles.

She treasured them so dearly, because we made them together as father and daughter.

Now, all of that is gone.

Now, Lily doesn't even know what Lego is.

I can now freely smash these Lego towers without any sense of guilt.

Without any... guilt...

Funny, I feel hesitant for some reason. I ridiculed Lily for treasuring these towers, but now I find myself doing the same thing.

These towers are the only evidence that the former Lily existed in this world. Even if every trace of data regarding her is erased, these cheap towers undoubtedly prove that this girl existed.

Perhaps I should keep one of these intact, as a memento of her.

... no, that's silly talk.

It'd be better if I just smash them and move on. This would be the best for me, as well as for this new girl.


I tear the first tower apart.

I unearth the Lego wall, then break it and break it and break it and break it and break and break and break and break and break break break break break.

Once I'm done reducing everything to a pile of stray bricks, I sweep the bricks into a plastic bag.

Then I grab the next Lego tower. Out of curiosity, I throw a glance at the current Lily, to see if she reacts in any way.


She is definitely looking at me.

C-could it be that she somehow remembers these Lego constructs!?

I slowly put my fingers on one of the tower's walls and start cracking it apart. She doesn't bat an eye, but she keeps looking at me with a worried face.


I quickly tear apart the whole tower, right in front of her eyes. She jumps a little, perhaps because my actions were so sudden.

However, she doesn't express any sadness or depression regarding the destroyed tower.

As I thought, she doesn't remember a thing. She doesn't care about these creations we crafted together.



She tilts her head and looks at me with worry.

"Are you alright?"

"... why wouldn't I be?"

"I-it's just, you made a very scary face. Now you are making a sad face. N-not that I really care, hmph."

She averts her eyes, but still throws me a couple of nervous glances.

A scary face? A sad face?

... I really need to pull myself together.

"It's okay, don't worry... just keep trying with the Jenga tower."

"H-hmph, I know that much even without you telling me!"

She turns away and keeps building the Jenga tower, while occasionally throwing me a nervous glance.


I sigh and bring the third plate closer.

Is this when I make a scary face?


Once the smashing is done, is this when I make a sad face?

I continue smashing the Lego towers until all the Lego is successfully packed in plastic bags.

Since there's too much of it, I put only half of the amount in my backpack. The rest will have to be transported tomorrow.

The remaining Lego is hid underneath my table, to ensure that nobody accidentally finds it.

With that, I erased any trace of Lily's previous existence. She now only lives inside my broken heart...


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