3. teasing.

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I wake up at around d 11:30 and get up. I hear Niall's shower running so I go jump behind the curtain on his window that you touched the floor. I hold my breath as I hear the shower stop and hear him come in. He goes to his dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers. As soon as he has them in I jump out. "Boo!" I shout and he freaks out and slaps me, screaming like a little girl. "Niall! Ouch!" I shout
And laugh afterwards. "Did I scare you?" I giggle. "N-no!" He says and blushes. I wAlk out of his room and go to mine to shower and change. I turn on the hot water and feel it burn my back. I was my hAir and my body. I wrap towel around my body and head to my bedroom. As I'm searching for something to wear I hear a loud "bla bla bla" it scares me and I accidentally let go of my towel. I cover myself with my hands and see Harry standing there, mouth and eyes wide open. "Harry?!" I scream. "What the hell?" I bend down and pick up my towel. I hear a quiet laugh and look over to see Louis is standing there filming! "Louis! Give me the phone!" I shout. They run out of my room and I go lock my door. I put on some new underwear and a sleeveless shirt. I slip on my favorite black shorts. I wAlk downstairs to make lunch. The boys are watching g the video of me and don't notice me. I wAlk got he kitchen and get ingredients out of the cupboard. I see the boys all rewatching the video so I go into Zayn's room. I see a thing of Viagra. Why does Zayn even have these?! I slip out of his room, back downstairs and into the kitchen. I make a strawberry and banana smoothie. I dump mine into something cup and place some pills in the blender. I blend it up and dump it into their cups. "Guys! C'mere!"I shout. The boys come I. And I sip my smoothie. "You guys want a smoothie?" I ask and continue on mine. They all happily sit down and drink theirs. Niall drank his first and very quickly.. I notice Niall look very red faced. I pretend to take a drink but spill some on me. "Oh my god!" I say "I'm such a klutz!" I take my shirt off but leave my bra on. "Sorry guys. You don't mind right?" I ask. They all sit very sit. Harry is leaned over.." what's up Harry?" I ask and hop on the counter. "N-nothing!" He said and got up quickly. He ran upstairs and into his room. The boys do too. I quietly open their doors and snap photos of them. They all sat on their beds. Working themselves like yesterday at the arena. I snicker and go down stairs. I fall sleep watching pitch perfect. Fat Amy is my spirit animal. I wake up and hear giggling. I open my eyes just a little and see the boys standing around me. They tickle my nose and I scrunch it up. I feel a gross cream in my hands. Niall leans down and as he reaches for my nose again I reach up and slap him. Boom! Right in the face. His eyes widen and I just smile at him. I open my eyes and he is just staring at me. I reach up with one finger and take some whip cream off his face. I put my finger in my mouth and get up. "I'm a very light sleeper. Don't mess with me." I laugh and walk up stairs. I go to my closet and slip on a hoodie and I go jump under my covers. I take another nap. I hear a loud snap and a bunch of grunting. The guys must be wrestling. I fall back asleep. It's totally quiet. I sit up. "Guys? What time is it?" I ask and walk downstairs. "Hello?" I whisper. I wAlk into the kitchen and before I look down I see a small camera with a blinking red light. It's partially hidden behind a book. I see a hand covered in ketchup. "Oh my god! Louis?!" I fake a scared and shocked voice. He has ketchup all over his chest and a plastic knife stuck in his armpit. I lean down. "Ale-alesa?" He asks, barely whispering. "I'm here!" I say and start fake crying. "I'm sorry..." he says. "Lou, can I just say one thing?" I ask and sob, falsely. "S-sure love!" He says in a raspy voice. "Lou, I've wanted to say this for a while and I'm just gonna come out and say it... you fools need ringside your cameras better. And use better special effects." I say and stand up. "Yall ain't fooling nobody!" I say to the cupboard where the boys are hiding. "What?! How'd you know?" Niall and Zayn say in sync.

"You guys are idiots!" I say and laugh.

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