Chapter 11

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Zayn pressed they play button and I heard my voice. "Niall! I only date Zayn to make you jealous! I pretend when I kiss him! I imagine it's you!" Zayn's face turns to pure rage. The video shows me and Niall kissing but it cuts off before I pull away and slap him. "Alesa! What the f*ck!" He shouts. "I-I! That-its not!" I can't make a sentence. Vanessa just smirks at me. Zayn grabs Niall's collar and shoves him against the wall. "If you ever f*cking touch my girlfriend again I will kill you! Ya hear me?" Zayn spits in Niall's face. "Zayn! That's not how it happened!" I grab his arm. "I saw a video!" He screams and rips his arm away from me. He drops Niall and shoves me. "What did I ever do to you? Huh?" He pushes my shoulders more. "I never f*cking cheated on you. I don't pretend it's somebody else. Why would you do that to me?" He gets louder. "Zayn! I-i swear!" I cry. He slaps me. I feel something cold on my face. He shoves me onto the floor. "Dont talk to me for a while!" He kicks my ribs and walks out.

(A/n: I'm sitting in the dentist waiting room and little things just came on!!!!)

I sob and look at Vanessa. Her face is pale. "You-you're bleeding!" She shakes. I feel where a gash was on my face from Q. He ripped it open. I grab my hoodie and push it against the bloody spot. "I-i think you may need stitches!" Vanessa has wide eyes. I slip on some black shorts and a red t shirt. Niall grabs his car keys and Vanessa helps me out. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make him hurt you! I was mad that Niall kissed you. I'm sorry!" She cries. I nod. We pull up to the emergency room. Vanessa grabs my wrist and pulls me in. "Can I help you?" The receptionist asks in a monotone voice. "I think I might need stitches!" I wipe some of the blood away. "How did this happen?" She asks and hands me a tissue. "I hit my face on the bottom of a pool!" I like, quickly. She signs me in and we sit down. The waiting room is empty. "Alesa?" A nurse wearing blue scrubs calls me. Niall and Vanessa come with me.

The doctor comes in a little while later. "You need six stitches!" The doctor announced. I nod my head. He leaves again. "How are you handling this so well?" Niall asks, shocked. "Can I tell you, or are you gonna say I whine about my life again?" I ask angrily. He looks down. "My first boyfriend beat me everyday. I've had to get stitched probably 300 times. The old nurses and doctors back in Cali knew me." I sigh. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know he would hit you. Or kick you!" Vanessa sounds worried. "It's okay, but can you get the doctors?" I ask. She nods and runs out. "How can I help you, miss Payne?" The doctor asks politely. "Can you get an x-ray of my abdomen? I think my ribs might be cracked!" I sigh. His eyes widen and be hurried out.

After a while the results are back. "You have 4 broken ribs!" The doctor bellows. "How are you not hurting?" Niall asks me. "I've had broken and cracked ribs before. I will be fine!" I wave my hand. The nurses grab a large wrap and circle it around me. The doctor sewed my cheek up. "You're ready to go! Now you must be very careful, you can bre-" I stop him. "I know! If I'm not careful I can break more ribs! Trust me, this isn't the first time this has happened to me!" I bite my lip. NiAll helps me into a wheel chair. When we get outside I look at the cars mirror. I have a really bad black eye. Nothing some makeup can't fix! I sigh and close my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's uh... 4:35am !" Vanessa sighs and yawns. Niall drives us back to the hotel. "Do you think we can maybe be...friends?" Vanessa asks me and helps me to the elevator. "Maybe!" I try to smile. I limp inside but I'm suddenly scooped up. Niall has picked me up. He carries me to the elevator. "I can walk, I'm okay. But Vanessa, you have to show Zayn the real video! I don't wanna loose another boyfriend!" I plead. "I will, as soon as he wakes up!" She promises. I nod. "Thank you!" I sigh. The elevator dings and Niall helps me to our couch in the main room. I put my feet on the cushion beside me and turn on the tv. "You guys can go to bed! Ill be okay, this isn't anything new!" I giggle and they just stare at me. Vanessa brings me a bottle of 7up soda and a bag of chips. Niall gives me a pillow and a blanket. I throw the blanket over my bruised legs. I flip on American Horror story and fall asleep to episode 1 of season 1.

"Oh my god!" I hear a voice scream. i peel ny eyes open and see louis staring at me. "Whats going on Lou?" I hear Liam stumble in. "Alesa?! What happened?" He looks worried. "Well Z- I hit myself on the bottom if the pool!" I lie. "No, Zayn hit and kicked her, because Vanessa did something to a video." Niall comes in. "Alesa! Why didn't you tell me? I'm your big brother, I'm supposed to watch out for you!" He wipes a tear. "And why the h*ll did Zayn do this?" He sits beside me. "So what happened?" Liam asks.

I explained the whole story to Liam and he just stares at the wall. "Why did Vanessa do that?" He sighs. "I dunno. Guess she wanted to make Zayn mad, she said she didn't know he was gonna hurt me." Harry comes out of Zayn's room. He pulls Zayn out by his hair. "Dude! Let me go!" Zayn hits around. I bite my lip and stare at Zayn. He is shirtless and his hair is wild. "Explain." Harry shoved Zayn in front of me. His eyes widen. "It gets worse!" I nod and pull my shirt off. My whole torso is red and blue and purple. My stomach is wrapped tightly in a white cast. He turns pale. I drag my fingers down my side. "Four. Four broken ribs, because you kicked me." I turn my head, slightly. "Six stitches and a black eye, because you hit me." I look at him. "H-how did this happen? I'm sorry I don't know what got int-" I hold my hand up, signaling him to stop. "Don't. I don't want to hear anything. You should have known better than to trust ANYTHING Vanessa shows like thAt. I don't know what to say about you anymore. But I do know, if you ever touch me like that again, I will be calling the police and I will make sure you don't ever get another record deal again got it?" I look at him sternly. He nods and backs up. He turns around and slams his door. I shrug. "So, we still going to London today?" I Ask. Liam nods and smiles. "Sure. Get ready and we will go!" I give him a thumbs up and stand up. I wobble a little and walk and grab my suitcase, grabbing my outift of choice.

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