Waffles and Hate and a date.

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"Sure...?" Liam says. I run to my room. I put on a black skirt and a striped tank top. I put on black combat boots. I apply a little make up and put my hair in a messy bun. "Ready!" I laugh. "Wait!" I run into Niall's room. "Niall! NiAll! NIALL! Niall!" I jump up and down on his bed. "Wakey wakey!" I giggle. "We're going for waffles!" I cheer. He pulls on sweatpants and a red t shirt. He slips on some red converse and finger brushes his blonde hair. We run into the living room. I throw my stuff into a purse with the American flag on it. I skip to the sidewalk and spin around. "Cmon! Let's go!" I laugh. I skip about three blocks away from the hotel to a diner. I wait for the boys outside. They finally show up. Slowpokes. I run in Nd sit at a booth. I look at my hands cuz I was bored. I see a Twitter name written. I pull out my phone and type it in Twitter. It's the girl from last night that was really nice to me. I follow her and see her profile picture is her an I from yesterday. "Guys! Follow this girl! She was the only nice person to me last night. Besides some of you boys!" I smile. They follower her also. I see right away she tweets a picture of is following her. "Best moment of my life, lol" the tweet read. I favorite it and smile. "Shes a sweet girl!" I giggle. "Can I take your order?" A blonde woman comes up to our booth. "Niall?!" She gasps. I look up and see it's the same girl he kissed yesterdAy. "Oh my god! Vanessa?" He laughs. He stands up and hugs her. She kisses his cheek. He kisses hers back. He sits down. "Alesa? Do you mind moving for a minute so she can sit with us?" He asks and smiles. ReAlly? I scoff and stand up. I go sit at the bar at the front of the diner. "How can I help ya, love?" An older looking g woman asks me. "Can I get a waffle with strawberries and whipped cream. With a side of bacon and eggs. Oh and a large coffee!" I smile. "Sure thing!" She laughs. She leAves and returns in a few minutes ties with my order. She sets a jar of syrup beside me. I look at the boys. They are all lAughing with Vanessa. I finish my delicious food and coffee. I pay the woman. "Can you accept tips?" I ask politely. "Oh, thank you ma'am, but I'm good!" She laughs. I set a 50 dollar bill down and walk away. "I'm ready guys!" I say and see the boys are done. "Yeah, okay!" Louis says and waves me off. They continue laughing for another 30 minutes. "Doesnt she have work?" I ask the woman from before. "Yup. She's about to be fired!" She gets angry. "f those boys ask about me, I'm Alesa by the way. If they ask about me, tell them I went to the hotel?" I ask. "Sure thing, darling!" She pats my shoulder. I walk out of the nice diner and hear a clap of thunder. It starts raining g so hard I can't see.

After 30 minutes I get into the hotels lobby. I jump on the elevator and get to my floor. I see the boys crowded around somebody. It's Vanessa?! "Why is she here?" I say in disgust. "She's my girlfriend! And she got fired!" Niall says. I literally hear my heart break a little. Sure I like Zayn and everything but I liked Niall. I chAnge into shorts and a loose tank top. I put my hair in s neat high ponytail. By the time I'm finished and come out, Niall is making out with Vanessa. I smile at Zayn and sit beside him. I text Liam.
A-would you be mad if I went out with Zayn?
L-no! Have fun! ;p
A-thanks! Ur the best.
L-I know! :)

I laugh and put my phone away.
I look at Zayn. He is watching something on his phone and laughing. He is to cute. His gorgeous brown eyes, super nice hair, perfect lips. I continue staring. He looks up and I turn away. I feel my hair hit him. "Oh my god, Zayn I'm so sorry!" I say quickly.
He stares at me. I bite my lip nervously. "Alesa? Come with me." He says and pulls me up. He pulls me to his room and my back is to the wall. He locks the door and puts his hands on my waist. "Can I kiss you?" He asks. Before I answer his lips are against mine. I close my eyes and kiss back. He pulls my against him and I wrap my arms around his neck. The kiss started it out soft and sweet. Now it's rough. He pushes my wrists against the wall. He kisses my neck. He bites and sucks it. I bite my lip. He pulls away and goes back to my mouth. He puts his hands under my bum and lifts me up. He walks to the bed and sets me down. He crawls on top of me and kisses, harder. He bites my bottom lip a little and pulls away. He kisses down my jaw and onto my neck again. I grAb his neck, pulling him closer. I grAb the bottom of his shirt and pull it up. He has very fine abs. He rips my shirt off and kisses my collar bone. "Hey guys do you wan- OH MY GOD! MY EYES!" Somebody screams and runs out. I smirk and kiss Zayn. He flips us over so I'm on top. I grAb his face and kiss him. This is honestly the best moment of my life so far. This is amazing. I don't want it to end. "Do...you...want...to...be my....girlfriend?" Zayn asks in between kisses. I grind myself on him as a yes. He starts pulling my shorts down....I think we all know where this went....

"That...was...amazing!" Zayn laughed in between breaths. I lean over and kiss his cheek. I sit up and put my clothes back on. "Can I have a shirt?" I ask Zayn. He tosses me a guns n roses shirt. I slip it on and it's huge. It goes to my middle thigh. I fix my hair and look in the mirror. My neck has several purple and red bruises on it. "Zayn!" I yell. He just laughs at me. "Now people know you're mine!" He kisses my cheek. I walk into the main room and see Niall ' and the other boys are there but not Vanessa. I sit down beside Harry. "Called it!" He shouts when he looks at my neck. Louis gives him $20. "I bet you'd have four hickeys. Louis said two." He smirks. I just hit him on the back of his head. I pull my ponytail up so it rests on my neck and chest, covering Zayn's evidence. "So, you and Zayn?" Liam asks. I smile. "Figured. People in America heard you two!" Niall shouts and walks away. "What's got his panties in a bunch?" I ask. "Dunno. You guys were loud though." Louis snickered. "He has a girl friend! What does be care! I could've gotten mad he sat here and played tonsil tennis with some chick!" I shout. "I don't care. I'm happy with Zayn!" I kiss Zayn's cheek. I walk into Niall's room to get my things. I hear the shower running. I look at the bed and see Vanessa. She's cuddling my bear. She's asleep. I carefully take the bear and take it back. "Niall gave this to me. Not you." I sneer. Right as I'm leaving I hear the door open. "Um, Alesa...? Do you mind if I give greenie to Vanessa? She's really upset. She seemed to like it. You are happy with Zayn, yeah? He will buy you stuff." He blinked. "No! You gave this to me!" I hug the bear to my chest. "Alesa! Give me the stuffed animal! You don't need it." He looks mad. "I gave that to you, thinking I'd ask you to be my girlfriend. But then I saw Vanessa and she was so pretty and funny. And she didn't like the other boys too! She only liked me! And she doesn't annoy everyone 24/7. She doesn't complain about her life. She is super sweet too. That why SHE'S my girlfriend, not you!" I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. "I-i...you..you asked about my life. I dint complain. And I'm a teenager! That's what we do! We annoy people! Ya know what? Whatever!" I scream. I rip the bears head off and throw it on the ground. I run out of the room with my things. I run into Zayn's arms and so into his chest. I slowly fall asleep like that.

Next morning

"Let's go on a date today!" Zayn cheered. "Where will we go?" I ask quietly. "The cinema!" He suggested. I nod and kiss him.

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