Out with the boys.

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It's 11:30 pm and Quincy finally went to sleep. I tip toe out of our hotel room and I knock on Liam's, tears streaming down my face. My hair is a mess and my shorts are ripped. He opens the door and all the boys are in the couch. Before anybody says anything I wrap my arms around Liam's torso. "I hate him Liam! I hate him!" I sob, soaking his warm shirt. He rubs my back and we sway back and forth. He pulls me inside and he sits me beside him in the couch. "What happened?!" Liam says after I calm down. "H-he was mad I got stuck up there with N-Niall and he said be was horny but I said I wasn't in the mood and h-he made me!" I sob more. "He ripped my clothes and hit me. He shoved me around, Lee!" I grip onto him. He rubs my back more. "I'm so sorry Alesa!" He says. I sit back away from him and wipe my eyes. "W-where is niall?" I ask and sniffle. "He just stormed out!" Zayn and Harry said at the same time. I quickly get up and run to my room. Niall is standing over Quincy. Q is lying on the ground, face covered in blood. "If you ever, EVER touch Alesa again I will personally kill you, got it?" He says and punches him one more time. I turn around and goblet beside Louis. "Will you make him go home?" I hiccup. Louis wraps his arm around me. "Anything for you, love." He whispers. Niall comes in and his eyes soften when he sees me. I stand up and hug him around his neck. "Thank you Niall! That's the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me...." I say. "Besides Liam, ya know took me in.." I chuckle. He wraps him arm around me and kisses my head. "I'm sorry. For everything. He got his stuff and went out." He sighs. I let go and he sits beside me. I lean my head in his shoulder.. "wanna watch a movie?" Harry asks me. I just nod my head. He puts on Spiderman. I slowly fall asleep on Niall.

I wake up the next morning with Niall still beside me. I pull out my phone and snap a picture of me and him. He is snoring and it's too cute! I see I have six texts from Quincy.

Q- I'm sorry
Q-forgive me?
Q-fine! Fuck you
Q- sorry, I'm drunk
Q- meet destiny.
It had a picture of some blonde girl with her face caked in makeup.
Q-she's better than you ever were.

I delete all the texts and sigh. I wanna go out today. I hop into a hot shower and wash my whole body. I let my hair air dry and I get dressed. It's cool out soon dress warmer. I put on a nice sweat shirt Nd ripped white skinny jeans. I pull on my converse and leave my face makeup free. I brush through my hair and leave it down.. I grab a random black purse and put everything I need in it. I go into the main room to see all the boys awake. "We are going out, all of us!" I laugh. I do jumping jacks across the room and onto the couch. "Cmon! Let's go!" I chant. They all run and get dressed. Niall wears the shirt I bought him. Liam is wearing a Batman shirt. Louis a plain white tee, Zayn, a black long sleeved shirts Harry, a vneck grey shirt. I walk out and they follow me. We first go and eat. Then we go walk around. Liam and Louis skip in front of me. They stop abruptly and say "no, no Alesa. Go back!" And try to shove me away. I bend down and slip past them. Quincy has some blonde chick pushed against a wall with his tongue down her throat. I shrug and walk by. "That just somebody I used to know!" I sing and spin around. We go to a couple shops and we stop at a build a bear. We all run in. I'm secretly going to buy the boys presents. I get Niall a light brown one with a shirt that had a chicken leg on it. I get Zayn a black one and a smiley face shirt. I get Louis a sheep and buy a carrot shirt. For Harry I buy him a red dinosaur and buy a shirt that says 'ladies man'. I checkout wothout the boys noticing. I slip each best into a different clothing bag from other stores. They each come out with a box. We get lunch and head to the hotel. I decided I'm going to stay with Liam until we chnage hotels. I flop on his bed. "Guys! Cmere!" I yell and everybody bursts in. I give each boy their bear and smile. Niall runs out of the room and comes back in with a box. He hands it to me and I smile. It's a green bear and it has a shirt that's like the Ireland flag. It says 'luck of the fish's on the bright shirt. I hug it to my chest. "Ill call him greenie!" I laugh and cuddle my new favorite thing. He smiles and lays beside me. "How ya doing?" He wriggle his eyebrows. "I'm fine. How about you?" I tilt my head a little. "Could be better..." He sighs. "Aw, Nialler!" I laugh and kiss his cheek. "Whats wrong?" I sigh. "Nothing!" He hops up. I really like him. I sigh. "Earth to Alesa!" Louis waves his hand in my face. "What? Sorry!" I look away. "S'okay!" He giggles. "You like my little Nialler!" He whispers in my ear. "Shut up!" I scream and g it his shoulder. I saw you two, love birds!" He giggles like A girl! I smack him and sit up.. I pull the warm blanket up to my shoulders and cuddle my Niall bear. I fall asleep happily.

I hear a shutter click and I squint my eyes to see Niall snapping a photo of me. "Hey!" I laugh. He sits beside me. "You sleep a lot!" He ruffles my hair up. "Shut it!" I giggle. He lays beside me. "How's little greenie?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Hes fine!" I laugh a nd kiss the bear. Niall closes his eye for a second then opens them and smiles again. I lean up and kiss his nose. I smile a little and lay my head on his chest. "I love you..." I hear him whisper as I close my eyes and fall asleep again.

"I do!" I smile as I look at Niall. He looks so handsome in his tux. "I do!" He laughs. "You may kiss the bride!" The preacher says and Niall grabs my face and kisses me.
I sit up and look at a sleeping Niall. I shake my head and think "it was just a dream!" I sigh. I get up and get a Goss of water. Their is a pizza on the counter and a bite on the fridge.
"Morning sleepyheads! We went out and won't be back til midnight. Enjoy your dinner! -Lou!" I laugh and wake Niall up. We sit on the couch and watch t.v. "I really like you too!" I say and look at him. "W-what?" He says. I stand up and kiss his cheek. I lay back down and sleep again.

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