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I get dressed in short, ripped jean shorts and a big maroon hoodie. I put on white high tops. I pull my long hair into a high ponytail and apply very minimal makeup. I grab my phone and a simple white purse. "Ready!" I half smile. I had to go with a simple outfit since it hurt to move too much. Louis jumps up and hooks his elbow in mine. We walk down the hallway and to the elevator. I mean against the wall and hiss in pAin when my side comes I to contact with the wall. Louis scoops me up bridal style and held the door with his foot. The guys come in and Liam shakes his head at us. "Excuse you! I am Queen Alesa. You do not shaketh you head at me." I say in a mighty voice. They all just laugh.

Xxx Time Skip xXX

We pull up to the biggest ferris wheel ever! "The London eye!" Harry says in an announcer voice. "Wait let's go here later, I'm starving!!" The boys groan at me. "Fine. We will all go on here together later!" Liam hooks up his pinky. I hook my pinky in his. I smile and flip my head around. I accidentally hit somebody. "Oh my gosh, imsosorryididntseeyouthere!" I hold my hands up quickly. "No problem, Alesa!" My eyes widen and I see my ex-boyfriend standing before me. "Miss?" I blink and suddenly it's some guy I'd never seen before. I shake my head a little. I turn around and see Liam looking around. "Hey, let's stop here!" He points at a cute little diner. I nod and walk in. We sit down at a booth. Liam and Harry sat beside me and Louis, Zayn. And niall, Vanessa on his lap sit . in front of us. "Welcome to Roxys Diner can I take your Ord- OMG ITS ONE DIRECTION!" She says in a monotone voice then ends up screaming. "Harry! Sign my books!" She throws a marker at him and lifts her shirt up. I quickly throw my hands over my eyes. "Thank you so so so so much!" She cries. I roll my eyes. "Oh. Your here with that little slut?" She scoffs. My mouth dropped open. "Excuse you miss. She is nothing close to a slut. Look at who asked Harry to sign her chest? Hmmm??" Louis backs me up. I smile a little. "Wed like a new waiter please." I say politely. "No. I'm the only one available." She sneers. I bite my lip. "Fine. I'm not eating here!" I announce. I stand up and walk over the tAble and carefully hop into the ground. I quickly walk out and wait for them. They all rush out. "Really? Why do you have to cause so much trouble? I love you and all but seriously Lesa. Can you try to deal with stuff once in awhile? Your related to me. Your gonna get hate. Toughen up!" Liam sighs. "I'm gonna go explore. I will meet yo with y'all later!" I quickly turn around and head towards the crowded downtown area. I wipe a few stray tears and look up. It looks kinda cloudy. It's a little windy too. I go into a McDonald's. I got a mcChicken and small fry. I also bought a small coke. I sit at the smallest table. "Breaking news. The famous boy band, one direction was spotted giving a birthday girl a small concert on the London eye. She tweeted that Zayn have her a kiss on the cheek. Apparently the boys decided to ride on there and a fan happens to be' there having a birthday party. Pretty amazing!" They promised they wouldn't go without me. I frown and pull out my phone.

Liam. I'm going to spend the day and probably night here in London. I will get my own ride home. Alesa.

I send the text and throw away my garbage. "Where to?" I ask myself aloud. If I wanna do anything fun I should go get a new outfit. I head over to one of the shops. I eventually settle on an off the shoulder white shirt and black leggings. I keep my white high tops on. I checkout and run into the bAthroom. I change in one of the stalls and throw my old clothes in my bag. I look in the mirror and fix my makeup. Just enough where no body can see my black eye. I smile at my appearance. I take my hair down and comb throughout it with my long fingers. In song want the boys to find me right now. As far as they know my hair is up and I'm wearing something totally different. I wash my hands and head out. I have more money than I need so I'm good with that.


It's now 8:30 at night and I'm having a lot of fun. I met this boy, his name is Dan. he's been going around town with me. He seems nice. I carry my bags and he carries his. "Want to go to the London eye with me?" I ask, hopeful. "Oh I'm sorry Alesa. I'm out of money!" He frowns. "I will pay for you! Please. I just want a friend. I'm a lonely teenager in this big old world!" I pout. "Fine. But I will pay you back." He smiles. For some reason, the London Eye seems almost empty. "Two please." I smile. Me and Dan get onto our cart thing. There is a few people on here. I go up to the window. "This is beautiful!" I sigh. It truly is. The light purple sky and all the city lights. "Yeah it is." Daniel smiles. He runs his fingers through his black hair. "Her phone is off! Yes I've tried calling her..... no I'm not an idiot. Mum! She said she doesn't want to meet you right now. I'm sure Alesa will be home soon." My eyes widen. Of all the carts, Liam had to be on this one. "Alesa? That your na-" I put my hand over his mouth. I shake my head. He nods. "Sorry." He mumbles when I pull my hAnd away. "He was mean to me. I'm not going back with him tonight." I sigh. "So what are your plAns?" I ask Daniel. "I'm going to America in a few days." He smiles. "Really? So am I!" I giggle. "May we see each other again!" He says in a loud voice. I just laugh at him. Dan's been nicer to me than Liam has in a while. ProbAbly because he knows the boys better than me.

We get off the amazing ride. "Thank you! That was incredible!" Dan kisses my cheek. "Anytime. Now I just need a hotel." I look around. "Stay with me!" He sAys a little loud. "I mean. You took me on this awesome ride and I've been with you all day! C'mon!" He begs. I bite my lip. Right as I nod Dan grabs my wrist. He picks me up and wraps me around his chest. He takes off running. I just laugh. After about 5 minutes of his running we are outside his hotel. "We're here!" He laughs and bends down so I can get off him. He lead me to his room. It's not as big as the one the boys have but I don need that. Just because somebody's famous doesn't mean the need special treatment. He unlocks the door and held it open for me. "Thank you fine gentleman!" I bow. He just chuckles. I set my bags down and plop on the bed. "Wanna watch a movie?" He suggested. I grab the remote and he goes into the kitchen area. "How about Saw 2?" I holler to him. He brings in a tray of soda, popcorn, chips, cupcakes and candy. "I also ordered cake and nachos in room service!" He laughs. "Good! I'm starving. I can pay half of it?" I ask. "No way! You for me on the eye!" He points out. He sets the tray on the table and I plAy the movie. I hop up and turn out the lights. I open a soda and drink half of it. I bite into a cupcake and enjoy the snacks.

We are really deep into the movie and suddenly there is a knock at the door. Dan hops up and gets it. He brings back a full cake and two big nachos.

We finish saw and I put on toy story 2. We are laughing like crazy from the sugar high. He picks up another piece of cake and before he can pick up his fork and smash his face down onto the plate. The cake goes everywhere.
"Uh, you got a little something..." I trail off and motion all over his face. I use my pointer finger and take some off his face. He shakes his head and wipes his face off. "I'm beat. Do you have a shirt in can sleep in?" I tilt my head. He throws me a big t shirt and he pulls off his jeans and shirt. Only in his pink boxers. "Really? Pink?" I laugh. He nods and jumps into the bed. I turn my back to him and pull my shirt over my head. I slowly pull my pants off an slip on the shirt. I lay on the couch and turn on some old cartoons. I slowly drift off.

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