same mistakes.

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I wake up with a pounding headache. Quincy is asleep next to me. "Morning girlfriend!" He says. "Girlfriend?" I ask and sit up. I look down to see I'm completely naked. He shoves his phone in my face. It's a video of me and him. We are both lying on the bed. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks in the video. "Sure babe!" I say and lean up and kiss him in the video. "You are my girlfriend." He says and kisses me. Quincy gets up and go takes a shower. I hear a knock as I'm getting dressed. "We are going to the fair- did you just wake up?" Liam says. "Yeah, what time is it?" I ask. "3:46..." He trails off. "Time change!" I laugh. I pull on (the outfit I added) a normal is boring tank top, galaxy skirt and black converse. I French braid my hair and apply my makeup. I grab my American flag purse and tie my shoes. "Ready honey?" Quincy asks. "Yes Q..." I say. I'm already tired of his petnames. He knew I was drunk when he asked me that. I don't even remember last night. He grabs my wrist and pulls me out. "Hey guys! Alesa is my girlfriend!" He cheered. The guys all frowned but Liam half smiled. "Congrats! Break her hear...I break you...I'm completely serious, boy!" He says. I just fake a smile. We walk to the car the boys had and we head to the fair. I haven't been to a fair since I was like 5 Years old. We pay and go in. I haven't eaten yet soon go to a food car. "One hamburger please." I smile. "Are you from America?" The teenage girl working asks me. "Yep, why?" I ask and take my food. "I've always dreamt of America. It sounds amazing!" She laughs. "I'm saving up, and have been for over a year!" She smiles sadly. "Ow much do you need?" I ask. "About $350!" She shakes her head. "By this winter I should have it!" She says. I pull out $500. "Enjoy America!" I hand her the money. "You can't be serious!" She shrieks. "100%!" I giggle. She runs out the side door and hugs me. "Thank you so so much....!" She trails off. "Alesa!" She hugs me tighter. "I have been trying to get away from my family. They're really abusive. Now i can! Ill never forget you!" She says and turns around. I smile and walk away."wait! Alesa!" She says. She holds out her phone and I put my number in. "I'm Harley by the way!" She laughs and walks away. I go find the boys. They are looking around. "Hey guys!" I laugh and take a bite of my food. "Where have you been?" Quincy asks in a deep voice. "I just made a girls dreAm come true!" I laugh and take another bite. "Thats sweet, what did you do exactly?" Zayn lAughs. "This girl named Harley was talking to me and asked me about America and everything. She said her family was very abusive so I gave her the money she needed. Plus enough for a hotel." I smile proudly. "Thats nice!" Harry lAughs and wraps his arm around me. Q grabs my hand ands squeezed it really hard. I yank it away and walk over to Niall. "Wanna ride the ferris wheel?" Niall asks. I give him threats bite of my food and he laughs. "I'll take MY girlfriend on the ferris wheel." Quincy gets mad. "Actually, I'll go with Ni!" I say and hook my arm in Niall's. We walk to the very tall ferris wheel. We wait in line and we talk about everything. We finaLly get on and it stops us right at the top. "Excuse us riders. The ride has suddenly stopped. We will have it running in no time. I see the boys crowded around the ground. I just wave to them. "Alesa..?" Niall asks quietly. "Why are you dating Quincy? Do you like him?" He asks and bites his lip. "I kinda like him. But I wouldn't date him yet. Over known him for barely a week! He asked me last night when he knew I was drunk. He knew I wouldn't fight it so he slept with me too. I never wanted this. I actually like somebody else. Q has been hurting my hand all day. He doesn't like you guys I guess." I say and breath in. He just stares into my eyes. I stand up and walk across the small box and sit on his bench. I put my feet over his lap. "Thats great news!" He laughs. "Not him doing that to you or hurting you or anything. Just that you don't like him." He says nervously. I just laugh. "I really don't wanna date him!" I groan and throw my head back. "So Ni. How's your day going?" I ask and bend my knees so my skirt doesn't fall down. "Pretty good. This is the best part so far!" He winks.."You big flirt!" I giggle and slap his chest. He laughs and laughs. He fAlls to the floor laughing. The cart starts to rock. He doesn't notice and keeps making it rock. "Niall!" I shriek. I jump in his stomach. "Quit it!" I holler. He picks me up easily,. He set me on his lap. "Sorry honey!" He laughs. "Will you sing to me?" I ask and lay close to his chest. He thinks for a minute and starts "lately I found myself thinking, been dreaming about you a lot and up in my head I'm your boyfriend but that's one thing you've already got. He drives to school every morning while I walk alone in the rain. He'd kill me without any warning if he took a look in my brain. Would he say he's in l-o-v-e. Well if it was me I would, I would." He sings the whole song and I stare into his eyes. His eyes have gotten lost in space.. when he finishes he looks at me and Smiles. I smile back. I wish I could date him. I really do. Quincy wouldn't like that. Neither would the other boys. It doesn't matter who does or doesn't like it. I will date him when I can. He sings 'i wish' " na na na na na na. He takes your hand. I die a little. I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles. Why can't you look at me like that...." Niall won't take advantage of me when I'm drunk. Niall won't grab my wrists. He won't get that jealous over my friends. "So Alesa. Tell me about your past. Seems like the rides not getting fixed." He chuckles. "Well, my aunt was distant. My uncle was an a$$hole. He beat us. He called us horrible names. I went to the hospitAl many times because of him
One time he was drunk and had his knife out. He stabbed his wife. That's why I came to live with you all." I stood up and pulled my skirt down a little. I pulled my place underwear down about an inch. I had a 4 inch scar across my gut. "That's what he did to me. Since I was little I've had probably a hundred scars. Most have healed." I sigh. "He touched my in a way nobody's uncle ever should. He cut my hair a lot. He ripped some out. I had a black eye once. I went to school with it and it bled. They took me to the emergency room. When he found out. He beat me. My aunt never tried to stop him either." I pull my skirt back up and see Niall crying. "I'm so sorry. I wish you would've come lived with us sooner. I'm so sorry, love." He stays and hugs me. "I graduated high school at 15. My ex boyfriend was also abusive. He got me pregnant when I was 16 but when I told him he beat me and I lost the baby. He didn't care. He was 19 when I left." I sigh and look at the sky. It looked like it might rain. Niall has tears streaming down his face. "Whats wrong?" I ask. He just shakes his head and cries. "Aww poor nialler!" I coo and wipe his face. I go to wipe more tears when he grabs my arms and hugs me tightly. "I'm so sorry!" He shakes. "It's okay. It's over with." He kisses my cheek. "I hope you never go through that again!" He screams. I pull away and sit down. I feel a cold drop of water on my nose. A few more drops... and it starts pouring.. Niall takes off his shirt and holds it over our heads. I wrap my small arms around his body. We sit like this for a while. Eventually I shove his arm away and take my shirt off too. I hold it over me. I sit back so my bra doesn't fall. "Sorry!" He screams over the rain and thunder. "for what?!" I yell back. "Takin you on this ride!" I just laugh. "This is fun!" I laugh. It's actually cold and this rain is heavy.

It's been about 3 hours with non-stop rain. The ride finally starts moving again. "Thank you God!" I yell and pull my soaking shirt back on. Niall does the same. We finaLly get off the ride and onto the ground. They boys are standing there with umbrellas. I open my arms and run to Liam. "Oh my god! Are you guys alright?!" He shouts. He hands me a green umbrella and Niall a red one..We open them and walk to the car. We get in and go to the hotel. Quincy grabs wrist when we get out. "That's what happens when you go with somebody that your not dating!" He whisper shouts in my ear. He yanks me into our room. I wipe the single year that fell down my cheek. I open my suitcase. I pull out a soccer hoodie and shorts. I go to lay down. "Alesa! I'm horny!" Quincy says and lays on top of me. "I'm not in the mood Quincy!" I shout and try to shove him off me. "That's what girlfriends do!" He yells and rips my shorts down. I scream but be puts his hand over my mouth. I struggle but he's too strong. He does what I didn't think would ever happen to me again....

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