Rehearsal and Concert

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I open my eyes to see I'm still on Niall's slowly raising and falling chest. I just stare at his snoring, sleeping face. I smile a little. I like him. A lot. I just wish I had gone out with him instead of Q. Niall would've never, EVER done that to me. I sigh. "You okay, love?" I look up at the voice. Liam stood in the doorway. "Um, yeah. Just thinking." I whisper. "It's okay, kiddo!" He says and comes in. He reaches over and gives me a hug. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asks me. "Niall..." I whisper. And make sure he's still asleep. "I like him. I had a dream a few days ago be told me he loved me." I sigh. "I just don't know if he even likes me like that. I mean sure, they like my body. But I want Niall to like me for me!" I just close my eyes. "Awwweeee! I'm sorry Alesa!" He hugs me closer. "We are going to practice in about 45 minutes, get ready!" I get up and take a hot shower. I wash my hair and my body. I change into a tight tank top and black leggings. I pull on some blue socks and American flag converse. I put my wallet and phone into a white purse. I lazily pull my hair up and apply some makeup. I come out and see all the boys ready to leave. I look at Niall to see he isn't even looking at me. I sigh and skip ahead of everybody. "Hey Stan the security man!" I laugh and hug him. "Good afternoon, Alesa!" He chuckles. I hop into the car and sit down. The boys climb in and Zayn sits beside me. "Alesa! Thanks for wearing that shirt, babe. It'll give me good luck!" He winks at me. "Whatever Zayniepoo!" I roll my eyes. I put ear buds in and listen to their music. 'Back for you' comes on. I him along and close my eyes. 'Goodbyeee!' I hum. I listen to a few more songs and we pull up. Girls are already waiting out front. I jump out and run. I do a cartwheel and a flip before getting to the Door. I wave to baby lux as I wAlk in. She runs over to me and holds her arms up. "Up!" She laughs. I bend down and pick her up. I set her on my hip and walk into Lou's room. "Morning, teasdale!" I laugh. "It's afternoon, Payne!" She chuckles. "I see you found Lux, huh?" I just laugh and bounce her around. Lux giggles and claps. The boys come in and I sit down with Lux on my lap. "Do you know Patty cake?" I ask her. She put her hands together and we play patty cake. "Boys! Time to rehearse!" Another guard says. "Is it okay if I take Lux to watch the boys?" I ask and Lou gives me a thumbs up. I put Lux on my hip and we walk to the audience. They start with One thing. I lift Lux under her arms and dance around with her. She laughs and tried to sing along. She wraps her legs around my stomach and her hands around neck. I spin around and she laughs and laughs. The boys do all their songs and then they go take a nap. I keep lux with my and stand on the stage. I put my phone in between me and her. I put on some nice music. I bend over and put my hands on the ground. I lift myself up and stay like this for a while. I eventually move onto my lower arms. My elbows on the ground. I look at Lux and see her doing a hand stand with her hand hitting the ground. I stand up and grab one of my legs and pull it up. I do the splits standing up. One foot on the ground, the other high in the air. I put my foot down and bend my back over, doing a rainbow as I used to call it. My hands and feet flat on the ground, and my back arched up. Lux is trying to copy me but ends up lying on her back. I laugh and pick her up. She latches onto me and I stand on my arms again. She is laughing, while upside down. I stAnd back up Nd grab my phone. Lux is moved to my hip again and I check Twitter. Nothing exciting. I walk to the boys and see them going into their changing rooms. Louis is looking around. "Nice yoga, Niall saw you!" He winks and goes into his room. I shake my head and go see Lou. "You can't go to the concert, looking. Looking like that!" She gasps. She gives me a short dress that's got black on the top and the skirt is light pink. I get dressed and she takes my hair down. She braids it and puts it up. She pulls a few strands down and curls them. "Thank you!" I laugh and hug her. She hands me black heels with little bows on them. "Go hide! Ill bring you out when it's time!" I grab my phone and go hide in the closet. I go to my texts and see one from Harry. It's a picture of my upside down with Lux holding onto me. "Niall took this." I just shake my head. I hear screams multiply and music start. Lou opens the closet door and pulls me out. "Let's go!" She laughs and pulls me. The guys finish 'what makes you beautiful' and Zayn grabs my arm. I shake my head. He just smiles and pulls me on. "Everybody! This is my sister, Alesa!" Everyone claps. "She is living with me and the boys for a while. Please be nice to her." He laughs. I sit on the chair and go to Twitter. I have a thousand more followers! They sing all their songs and say "okay, now it's time for the Twitter questions!" Niall cheers. I stAnd up and sit on the arm of the couch. They all pile on the couch. "First question! Can I hug Alesa at the meet and greet?" Liam reads aloud. He looks at me. "Um, sure?" I laugh. "Yes!" He cheers into his Mic. I hear a single voice cheering and I point towards them. They answer a ton of questions. The last one. "Okay, last one. Is Alesa single?" Niall reads and looks at me. Zayn hands me his Mic. "Um...yeAh I am. The last guy I dated wasn't very nice. I'm single and ready for a pringle!" I giggle. "Thank you!" They cheer. I jump on Harry's back and they run off stage. "That was scary!" I breathe. Louis pats my back. I look for Niall but see him talking to some girl. I watch them, secretly. She is obviously flirting. She puts her hand on Niall's arm. He just laughs. I feel like I'm being cheated on. Even though we aren't together and Niall doesn't really like me. This blonde girl leans up and kisses Niall. I wipe my tears and turn away. I run past the boys and into a janitors closet. I take my hair down and leave it in a normal braid. I grab my black leggings from before and slip them on under my dress. I put my high heels and on and look at a mirror. My eyes are puffy and I have tears stains Down my cheeks. I go into the bAthroom and wash my face. I get a text from Harley. 'Thank you so much! America is amazing! I love you for this!' The texts read. I just send back a smiley face and go find the boys. "Ready?" Louis asks me. I nod and smile sadly. A guard let two girls in. They look kinda like sluts...not gonna lie. They say what they want for a picture and we pose. The camera flashes and they look at their picture. "Um, I'd like one without her!" On of them points their sharp nails at me. I nod and back away. They snAp another photo. "Much better!" The other says in a high voice. They hug the boys and leave. They go through the meet and greet. I decided to stay away from the other people, not very many liked me. One teenage girl came up and hugged me. "Don't worry! I love you! You're just as great as the boys and if anybody tired to hate on you, just know. I love you and so do a lot of people. Even Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis!" She hugs me tighter. "You're awesome!" I laugh and wipe my tears. "Do you have a Twitter?" I ask. She writes it on my hand and pulls out her phone. "Can...can I take a photo with you?" She asks nervously. I chuckle and nod my head. She takes a couple selfies with me. She waves goodbye and walks out. "That was the last girl!" Louis cheers! We grab all our things and walk out. We go to the car and drive to the hotel. I change into shorts and a baggy shirt. I sit in the living room until the boys go to bed. "You coming, Lesa?" Niall asks me. "Imma watch tv for a lil bit then I will!" I give a thumbs up. I don't wanna lay with Niall. I'm not tired either. I put on pretty little liars.

It's now 6am and I'm watching supernatural now. Dean is trying to save Bobby.

I continue watching until Liam comes in. "Wow! You're up early!" He laughs and ruffles my hair. "I never slept! What time is it?" I tilt my head. "Um 7:30!" He looks at his phone. "I stayed up, I didnt want to sleep by Niall. I-i saw him making out with some blonde chick. He's also been avoiding me. I wasn't in the mood to sleep by him." I sigh. I hop off the couch and go to the kitchen. I make coffee and drink it in one go. I pour another cup and drink this one slower. I put my hair in a high ponytail and go into my room. I put on a pink sports bra and put on black, tight shorts. I turn the t.v. to a music channel and I push the furniture away to the walls. I put my hand on the ground and slowly push myself up. I bend my feet over my head and put my feet on the floor, my back bent in half. "Oh my god! Alesa broke!" I look and see Louis. He looks pale. I lift my feet back up and jump on my hands so my head is facing him. I smile and push my feet onto the ground. I use my feet and pull my body up, completely unbending. His legs wobble and he falls. I run over to him. "Are you okay, Lou?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "You-you're an alien!" He shrieked. I laugh. "Watch!" I put my hands down and bend my arms. My legs go straight back, and I flip so my feet are on the ground d and I stand up. I bend my back so my head is between my legs and I look at Louis. His eyes are wide. I bend my knees so my chest is flat on the ground and I let my legs go so they fall behind me. "It's nothing!" I laugh. I finish my second coffee and turn the music up. I put one leg up, parallel to my arm. I use my one foot to spin. I keep spinning until I flip and put my hand on the ground. Using one hand I spin myself. I hop into my feet again. "Wanna dance?" I hold out my hand. He takes it and I say "put your hands together like this." He does and I step into them. "You're strong right?" I ask. He nods. I put my feet on his shoulders and stand up. I put one foot in front of his neck and the other behind his back. I bend over and put my arms around his stomach. My back to his chest, I move my legs and do the splits. "Move your legs apart and put your hands behind your back!" I yell. He does so and I grab his hands and slide myself under him. "See? Easy!" I laugh and put a shirt back on. "What. Was. That?!?!" Liam and Harry yell at the same time. "I-I was showing Louis my dAnce." I rub my neck. "That was dope!" Zayn says. His hair is messy and he is shirtless. "I can dance with you too?" I lAugh. He stands up. I wrap my legs around his waist and put my hands on his shoulders. I let go with my legs and do a hand stand on Zayn's shoulders. I flip over his back and grab his arms. I pull him over me and flip over so I put my arms on my back and my feet on Zayn's legs. I flip him off my feet and he lands on his feet. "Oh my god! You're the coolest sister ever!" Liam hugs me. "Why are you up so early?" Louis asks me. "Oh, I never slept. I'm kinda upset with sir Niall. And I wasn't tired!" I laugh. Louis, Harry and Zayn stare at me. "How are you not tired?!" They all yell. "I've had three coffees!" I giggle. "Can we have waffles?" I ask Liam. "Sure..?" He answers.

A Year With One Direction?!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें