the Parkers

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"Chloe come on down with your stuff" my mom yelled.

"Ok mom"

I came down with my two big big suitcases.

The Parker's were already outside except Josh.

"Hi You must be Chloe" Mrs Parker said

"yep, hi Mrs Parker " I replied

"oh dear call me Tiffany "

I gave her a smile.
She led me up to my room which was very big, it had a king size bed and I even had my own bathroom.

"if you need anything you call me OK babe" Tiffany said

"thanks Mrs par- ermm I mean thanks Tiffany "

Then she left.

I packed out my clothes and pulled out my phone and called Anna.

"hey sweetie what's up ? Have you moved in by Josh yet?" Anna asked

"actually yes I did but he's not home surprising "

"he's probably with that slut as usual"

"yeah "

"hey hm Cc I got to go I'll call you later luv you bye"

"yea k bye"

I went and changed into a denims shorts and a pink halter back top and loosed my hair and took off my glasses.

I decided to go down stairs for my daily walking since my parents already left.

"hey Tiffany I'll be back at 6" I said but no response she probably left.

"where do you think your going dressed so? " a deep voice asked I turned around and saw Josh.

"none of your business now bye I'll be back for 6" I walked out the door but before I could I felt a hand grabbed my by my waist pulling my back.

"I don't think your going anywhere with half your body out and why don't you dress so often without the glasses? " Josh said

"um why do you care now let me go"

"bitch" I heard him say.

I ignored him and walked off.

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