Escaped Spirit

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Luke lived most of his life in Long Island's suburbs. He wasn't a superstitious fellow.  He was smart and seem to always be in a happy mood.  Although he comes from a diffusional family, he has done well for himself.  His father was never in the picture, but his mother, she was his world.

Nothing really ever happens in his community. Boring rich people that did whatever they want all day.  While their teenage kids do all the partying.  Luke's mother Jennifer was very young when she gave birth to him. She was only seventeen.  She was so frightened of her younger brother, that getting married was the best way to stay alive.

Jenn was her father's favorite.  When her brother was born four years later, her father didn't really pay any attention to his son.  Jim was an odd kid.  He was always burning insects with his minifying glass.  She once caught him stabbing the neighborhood street cat.   Jenn always believes that her brother had something to do with her father's disappearance. He was twelve when her father vanished.  He went out to pick up some fast food and he was never seen again.  She didn't dare to mention it to her mother, losing her husband was bad for her, let alone losing a son to the justice system.

Once she was married to her new husband's family were very wealthy.  This cause lots of problems with Jenn and Jim.  He was always coming around begging for money.  Jenn never invited him inside.  She somehow didn't trust him and he frightens her in a way that she just couldn't ignore.  She would meet him at the door once he called and hand him a couple hundred, said hi and bye, and then quickly closed the door.

Jim didn't care.  It seems not to bother him at all that his sister was kind of scared of him.  While Luke was growing up, he talked to his uncle only one time.  He had the flew and his mother had stopped at the RV parking lot to drop him off some money.  She didn't really want to see him, besides she had made up her mind not to give him any more money.  She wrote a note, then placed it in an envelope with three hundred dollars.  She then parked next to Jim's RV, which was his traveling home.   "Here, Luke run over there, knock on the door and run right back.  If he asks you to come inside, ignore him and run faster," she said  Luke was ten years old at the time. Luke grabbed the envelope, "Well do mom." he replied as he stepped out of the wagon and proceeded to knock on his uncle's door.

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