Escaped Spirit

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Half an hour later in the same cemetery from out of the ground appeared another ball of fire, and Jim was laying on top of a large gravestone.   When the night breeze hit his face, he opened his eyes.  "Where am I?" he thought as he sat up.  When he noticed he was laying on someone's gravestone he quickly jumped off, "What the hell! Not a good place to begin my journey." he muttered as he stepped away from the gravestone and proceeded to walk out of the cemetery.   

"Now what?  I looking for one person, in a world filled with billions.  Man, I don't want to fail.  Wait I remember the demon, he gave me something." he muttered as he searched his pockets.   He proceeded to take out a squared tiny box, with two buttons on the top.  One red and the other was blue.  He read the writing under each button, "Red, press only when it's touching the evil spirit.   Blue, call for advice or help."  

"Oh, well, right now I'm confused.  Don't have any idea what I'm doing.  If I call the demon so soon, he'll think I'm an idiot.  But if I don't, I'll be an idiot cause fuck if I know what  I'm doing." he whispered as he walked out of the cemetery on the street.  Not realizing that cars and trucks were driving through him as he crossed the street.   Every time an object went through him, he let out a hickup.  So since he wasn't paying attention and it being dark and all, that all he thought they were, hickups.

Once he reaches the other side of the street, "Shit, I'll just take my chances." he muttered as he pressed the blue button.  Suddenly in front of him appear a floating flame, then within the flame, "Dude, really?  I do believe I just beamed you back down." said Dee, the demon assigned to help him.   "Look, I know damn well, you don't want me to fuck up.  It will benefit both of us, if we catch this fucker." explained Jim   "Oh, fuck, the ashes, you have a point.  Now how can I help you?" asked the demon    "The world is huge, how will I know where to look?" he asked   "When you woke up, what did you smell in the air?" asked the demon   "Well, it did stick like someone burned a couple of hard boil eggs.  Why do you ask?" Jim replied    "Can you still smell the odor?" asked Dee   "As a matter a fact, I didn't realize it then, but it sure does stink like hell." he replied   

"A funny good way of putting it, follow that smell.  As the smell gets stronger you are closer.   Is the red light lite?" he asked    Jim glance at the beeper looking object.  "Yes, its bright red." he replied "Well when this red light blinks, it means you getting closing and you're going in the right direction.  If you happen to go in the wrong direction, the light will go off, and the blue light will let me know you are on track." the demon continued to explain.    "Then what?  How am I going to stop him and take him back?' he asked   "Well, of course, he will resist, you might have to fight, and he might kick your ass, but you must place that beeper on his chest.  Once it's on his chest, it will embed itself, and in a flash, we got him." explained Dee with a smile.  "Really?  You make it sound so pleasant.  Then what?" he asked   "You figure it out, one more thing, I'm allowed to talk to you for five minutes at a time and your time is up and..."  said the demon when the ball of flame suddenly just vanished.

"Hell no!  You can't leave without finishing what you were saying," he yelled as he glanced around ready to press the button again.   When he was about to press the button, the red light blink once.  "Oh shit, it's blinking.  That's means I'm going the right way," he muttered as he continues walking towards a large supermarket plaza.

As he walks into the parking lot, he sees a lady, "Excuse me, Miss.  Can you tell me what street and city I'm in."  he said    When the lady ignored him and continued walking right through him.  "What the fuck, lady!" he yelled as she comes out she came out through his back, feeling a chill go down her back.   The lady shook it off and continued on her way, not realizing what had just happened.

"No excuse me, what kind of shit is that. Respect the spirit." Jim yelled in an angry tone as he continues to walk in the parking lot when suddenly he hickup.  "Shit!  Stupid hickups just won't leave me alone," he muttered

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