Escaped Spirit

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Deep down passing the center of the earth, where the volcano stones are releasing heat of enormous temperature.   Then suddenly lightening appeared over them, striking everything in its path. Then out of the lighting, dropped two condemn souls.  Every soul in line heard their screams as they landed on the ground.   "What is this place?  Shit, I must be dreaming." thought Jim as he stood up and looked around.   "Dude, did I hear you say you were dreaming?  Dude if this is your dream, when will I wake up from mine?" asked Luther and old man who was in line

Jim walked up to the old man, "Maybe you're in my dream?" he said with a smile.  "Listen, I can tell you just got here.  Wipe that pissy ass smile out of your face.  Don't you know you're in hell now.?  A smile like that will make you someone's bitch in the quickness." explained Luther  "Don't worry old man this is nothing but a dream." Jim replied   "You two really need to go talk somewhere else.  Your voice is really annoying me." said Jacket    "Newcomer, funny." said Luther as they turned his back and pay attention to the line.      Jim glanced at Jacket, then he remembers what the old man said.  So he got in the back of the line and mind his business.

Jacket then began to walk towards the head of the line.  As he walked through the others who were waiting, he pushed and shoved to get through.  A couple of arguments along the way, but he finally made it to the front of the line.

There was a man in a black long hooded coat.  He turned, "Leroy Jackson," he said  "That's me." said Jacket  "Really? That's you?  Do you understand that down here you don't have any power." the demon guard said  He looked like a man, but his skin was filled with blisters and scabs.  "The devil is my best friend.  So why should I wait?" he replied   "Why should you wait?  Let me see, one you just died, two it isn't your turn in line, three, Lucifer is no one best friend. and three, step the hell back, to the end of the line." explained the demon who was a bit ticked off.

Jacket gave him a hard mean stare, "I'm not going anywhere!" he said as he went to swing his fist at the demons.  Somehow, he vanished and was once again standing right behind Jim.  Who saw what happened, so he turned to mind his business.  The end of the line was about two blocks away.  Jacket. was pissed, after all that walking he did you get to the front, there. he was at the end of the line once again.  "What kind of shit is this! he yelled as he headed to the front once again, but as he walked or tried to run, nothing he did work so he was just standing there with no control over his body.  "Hey demon, pussy, let me go.  I know you're the one causing this!" Jacket yelled for the only thing he was able to move was his mouth.

"I let you go if you just sit and wait your turn." said the demon  "Fine, I'll wait.  Now release me." replied Jacket    The demon release the control on him, then continue what he was doing.  There were two, chambers.  They looked like a vessel of some sort.  Jacket noticed the two vessels, "Hey demon, what are those?" he asked   "Those are Final Destination vessels." replied the demon  "Final what?" Jacket asked trying to gain trust.  "Final Destination Vessels, one goes straight to hell heat chambers, and the other is for people who the devil really don't think there are evil enough.  Devil's Rejects, they get sent back down." explained the demon  "Sent back?  Sent back where?" he asked   "The soul goes back home, where he came from.  Of course, he'll get a task to do.  If he fails, he'll come back here.  If he succeeds, he goes to heaven and waits in line for the next process." explained the demon as he turned and continue to work.

Jacket stood at the end of the line.  Thinking about what he just heard about the chambers.  He noticed Jim was acting weird around him.  "What's your problem?" he asked Jim as he shoves him.  "I don't have a problem." said Jim as he looks into his face,  "Holy shit that's the serial killer that my sister's boyfriend is writing a story on. Shit, he was supposed to go to the electric chair today.  Holy shit, this might not be a door after all." he thought to himself.   "Hey, I know you hear me talking to you." said Jacket   "I did hear you.  But you know, you can't bully me, can't you see I'm already dead." said Jim as he goes to turned and Jacket pushes him in the nose.  "Well dude news flash you can still get beat up," said Jacket with an evil smile.  "What the hell?  I'm dead, why in the world did I feel that?" he muttered as he got his spirit off the hot ground.  "You're in hell, not heaven, anyone can beat you up, and you can beat them.  If you like you can go around beating everyone you see all day along.  There isn't really nothing to do, but die over and over again." said another person he was holding his hand which was detached from the shoulder.

It was serial days, and the line kept moving slowly.  Jacket recorded the process in his mind.  He didn't want to go to hell.  He wouldn't be the boss there.  But if he can somehow get back to earth, he can take care of a couple loose ends.   The demon will request the soul to turn into a red glowing flame, that floated.  This flame will them get toss into one of the chambers.  You don't know where you are going until you're burning in hell.

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