Escape Spirit

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Suddenly another demon whose face was a yellow puss color waved his hand.  The soul's in line suddenly had a waistband, some red and some blue.   "I need everyone to quite up and listen!  Those with a red waistband make a line in front of the red chamber and blue band, blue chamber.  This will hopefully speed up this process." he yelled loud enough for everyone in line to here.  It took a while to get organize and the two lines were formed.

Jim had a blue band and Jacket has a red.  As the others in line approached the demon, in the red line.  Before he pressed the button to go down, he screamed and struggled to get out of the chamber and run.   The ones in the blue band line, seem to be happy and ready to go.  Jacket keep a close eye on the process.  

"So, where do you think those screaming souls are going?" he asked   "Well, I can't answer your question, but somehow I'm very glad my bracelet is the color blue," he replied.    "What you think these stupid color bands is what causes them to be afraid?' he asked  "No, I saying that everyone that has a red band, seems to scream their ass off before going into the red chamber." he explained.   "Well, I have a red band, and believe I'm not afraid of anything," he said as he glances at Jim's band and then glances at his, didn't say another word.

After an hour waiting, Jim got tired of standing and sat down in the line.  When the people behind him saw what he did, they also sat down.  After a couple of minutes, Jim as fast asleep. Jacket noticed him sleeping.  "Good, the dickhead asleep.  Time to do my thing." he thought as he slowly walked over, removed his band and switch it with Jim's.  The others in the line saw what he did, but didn't say a word.  Jacket slowly dragged Jim by one leg until he got in the red line.   Jim didn't wake up, he just kept sleeping.   

 Then Jacket got back in the blue line.  When suddenly it was Jacket's turn.   "Jim you have stolen, rob, bully and hurt many people before you got someone angry enough to take your life.  Well, God wants to give you another chance.  Your spirit will go back to earth.  You must do right by everyone you've done wrong.  If the gods agree that you've are now worthy of going to heaven, then you'll save.  Now, if God decides you didn't change, next time you arrive here, your band will be red, and hell will be your home.  So are you ready to go? Did you understand everything I've just told you?" the demon asked with a creepy grin.    "Yes,  I understand.  May I go now?" he asked   "Right, step into the chamber, here." the demon said as he handed Jacket a list of the things he must make right.  The jacket took the list and placed it in his pocket.   He stepped into the blue chamber and back to the living world he went.

The red line suddenly was speeding up.  It was finally Jim's turn, who was still sleeping on the floor.   "Jacket!  You're next!  Jacket your up!" the demon yelled a couple of times when the others in the line pointed to him.  "What the hell, taking a nap before you die again." said the demon as he kicked Jim waking him up.   "What the hell! Why did you kick?" Jim asked   "It's time, Jacket.   Are you ready to feel the heat of hell?  Now Jacket, get up its time to go." said the demon.    "Why do you keep calling me Jacket?  My name is Jim, not no Jacket.  I do believe that something you wear." said, Jim     

When Jim said his name, the demon quickly checked his bracelet.  "What are you doing with his band?' asked the demon.   "No you are mistaking, see my band is blue," he said   When he notices his band wasn't blue anymore, it was now red.   "Look, this isn't mine.  I don't know what happens.  But I've been sleeping for about an hour or two. Someone switched my bracelet." he explained confused and looking around.

"Jacket, he is known for killing many on earth, until the law killed him.  If he did take your band, he has a list that you must take from him.  Listen, you don't need to make anything right on earth.  But you need to bring Jacket back.  He belongs in hell, he knew this, this is why he ran.  Get up and follow me." requested the demon.

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