Escaped Spirit

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Jennifer stopped in front of the blackboard, watching the piece of chalk floating and getting ready to write something on the Chalkboard.   "Don't run away." Jim wrote   "What kind of shit is this?  Who's doing this? Is this some kind of magic trick shit?  Who's doing this?" she asked as he began backing up slowly.     "Don't be afraid, it's just me." Jim wrote on the blackboard.  "Who's me?" she replied  "Jim, your brother." he replied  "My brother is gone.  What kind of magic is this?" she asked as she looked around and continued to back away.

"Jennifer it's me.  I know I'm gone, but my spirit is still here." he continues to write.  "So actually you're telling me you're a ghost?' she asked as now she began to walk towards the blackboard again.   The writing on the blackboard erased and the chalk continued to write. "Yes, something like that.  I need you to forgive me for the asshole person that I was when I was living.  I'm sorry for being a not so good brother and I hope you forgive me." he spoke as he wrote the words down.  "Tell me something that only my brother will know, and then maybe I'll believe you," Jennifer replied as she keeps looking around thinking it was some kind of a prank.

"I always none where you kept your dairy.  He kept it under your bed in a shoe box, underneath some other books." he wrote   "You use to read my diary.  You so damn lucky you're a ghost, cause I can really kick your ass right now." she replied   "Can you help me?" he asked, "It all depends on what is it that you want." Jennifer replied as she sat down facing the blackboard.  "Do you know anything about the doll collector?" he asked   "Doll collector? Well not really but I can find out, just give me a minute let me log in." she replied as she grabbed her laptop and began to search.   "I got it.  The doll collector was a serial killer who was executed a week ago.  He kidnapped women of different race, got them pregnant, then killed them after dropping off the infant at a hospital.  Why do you want to know about him?" she asked 

"Well, it's a long story, continue reading." wrote Jim   "Before for this women killer was executed, he didn't want to see a priest, he cursed at the witness.  "You like watching people die, do remember my face, I'll get you for this!" were the last words the monster said.   Creepy, " she read  "That's it!  That's why his spirit escaped the judgment lien.  He wanted to come back to get those who witness his death.  Can you find out who was in the courtroom that day?  Those people who witness his execution, are in danger." Jim wrote    Jennifer began another search, for the names that Jim requested.  Quickly find the information, as she read down the list, "Oh, no." she said when she reaches her boyfriend's name." she said  "Which one?" he replied  

"Robert,  that was the case he was reporting on that was so top secret.  Are you tell my boyfriend is in danger?' she asked   "Sort of, yes, he's in danger." he replied   "In danger from what?" she asked  "The spirit of the doll collector.  He escaped hell, and he's going to kill believe me." Jim continues to erase and write.   "What the hell?  How am I going to explain this shit to him, he's a reporter?" she sounds concerned.  

"Take a notebook with you, and I'll make sure he believes you," he replied.   "This shit can't be happening," she said as she rubbed her head.   "Sorry sis, it's happening." he wrote then she saw when he places the chalk on the table, as his spirit also sits down.  Jennifer can see when the chair moved, so she knew that he was sitting across from her.   "Really a notebook?  That's so old school.  I do have a cell and a table." she replied  "I didn't know who to use them when I was alive, and damn if I'm using them now.  Take the damn pen and pencil." he wrote in a notebook he took off the counter and dropped in on the table right in front of her.   "Fine, let me call him and invite him over," she said as she dials Robert's cell phone number.

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