Escaped Spirit

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Meanwhile somewhere on the other side of town.   Jacket spirit was still waiting outside of the library.  "Come on, bitch, I don't have all day," he muttered as he desperately waited outside of the library.  Then finally the old lady with the big mouth walk out.   "Hey, lady remember me?' he asked the old lady as she walked by him.   "You better go away, girl.  If you intend on following me, I will call the police," said the old lady as she began to walk faster towards her car.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot about the pigs.  I'll wait for her further down the road." he thought as he walked down the road and a couple of guys began to whistle at her (he) beautiful body.   "Fuck you man!" he yelled as he stuck out his middle finger.   "Shit bitch, forget it you sound like a dude." said the stranger that was flirting as he drove away.  

"Fuck you! You didn't have a chance anyway!" he replied as he continued up the road, then he hid behind a large tree that was near the stop lights.   When he noticed the old lady's car he quickly jumped out from behind the tree and jumped into the car through the open window on the passenger's side.  "What the hell! Whore get out of my car!  Help!  Someone help me!" she screamed as she reaches for her cell phone and Jacket bit her waist, taring the skin open.   The old lady loose control of the car and crashes into a tree.   He grabbed her waist with her other hand trying to stop the bleeding.  "Someone! Please help!" she screamed as she jumped out of the car and proceeded to run down the road.

Then Jacket jumped out the car behind her.  He leaps into the jumping over the car and landing right in front of the old lady.   "What the hell do you want?  Don't touch me!  Someone, please help!" she yelled as she trying running away.    Jacket ran behind her and grabbed her by the hair, twirling her in the air, then letting her go.   The old lady body flew across the road and she landed on her car front window head first.    Then as he went to walk away, a truck came in the opposite direction.  It didn't see her (he) crossing the road and hit the girl's body with force.  The truck hit the girl so hard that her body flew into the air about six feet and to the ground, it dropped.    The driver of the truck quickly pulled over.  "Oh, my god! Sorry lady," he said as he calls for help.

"Dumb motherfucker look what the hell you did to my body.  Now what?" he thought as he glances at the truck driver, "Lucky fucker, he just kill this girl.  They'll be looking for him, and I don't want any attention." he said as he sat up off the dead girl's body and floated into the air, "Time to find Trac y. The old fart made me waste too much time on her, well, I do feel good, she's gone.  Now it's Tracy turn." he said as he headed towards the witness's house.

When he walked a block up the road, he heard the ambulance and police patrol arrive at the scene.  "Oh, shit, I always wanted to be a cop," he muttered as he stood on the edge of the road.  He waited for all the police cars to pass by him, and when the last car passed by him, Jacket spirit jumped through the door of the driver side jumping into the policeman's body.

"Oh, shit I'm a po-po," he said as he quickly stump on the brake and the car began to spin in a circular motion.  He suddenly stopped it again and headed on the road to Tracey's.  Jacket glance into the view mirror,  "Shit I just had to pick an ugly fucker.  Shit thanks, gold I have dark glasses.  No need to look at this ugly face.  Tracey, I'm coming for you." he said as he put on the police car lights and down the highway,   he went.

He finally pulled up in front of Tracey's home.   "I if I can get some action while I possess this body.   Ya, I think I'll check out a Whore house when I'm done here.  Must get this pussy ass cop in trouble somehow.  I'm sure I can think of something good." he whispered as he stepped out of the patrol car and walked towards the back of Tracey's house.   The TV was on as he peeks through the back window.   He then noticed the patio door open.  "Oh, shit, this is going to be easy, very easy," he said as he tied toed in her house.

Tracey was taking a shower, somehow she forgot to lock the patio door. As Jacket walked through the living room, he knocks down a lamp chattering on the floor.   Tracey heard the noise it made and she quickly turned the water off.   "Who's there!" he yelled as she grabbed the towel and got out of the shower dressing as fast as possible.   "No! No!  Don't get a dress, let me see.  Open the door now!" he screamed through the door.   "Get out of my house!  I already called the cops," she screamed   Jacket started to laugh aloud.   Tracey heard his laughter and giggles through the door.   Then suddenly with the palm of his hands tapped the door and it fell to the floor.   "Hi, Tracey, am I right?" he said as he approached her.   "What kind of shit is this?  Aren't you a cop? Get out of my house, I did call the police." she screamed   

"So you call my friends.  Don't worry by the time they get here, I promise you,  you'll be dead," he replied   Tracey began to grabbed items off the bathroom cabinet and threw then at the cop that's was coming towards here to attack.    Then a full spray can of hairspray smacked Jacket on the forehead knocking him to the floor.    Tracey quickly jumped over his body and headed towards the front door.  Then Jacket got up quickly and ran towards her, then he moved the darts off the dart board and made them fly into the air in her direction.   Tracey looks back, "Don't run, it's my turn now.  You see me die last week, now I watch you die." he muttered as he walked closer.     

That's the moment Tracey recognized his voice.   "You!  You're dead!  What the hell is going on!  Someone help!" she screamed as she turned to run again.   There were about ten darts on the board and they all come out at the same time, they floated into the air in her direction.   Tracey was afraid she didn't look back.   She continued to run when one dart hit the back of his head.  Then other on her leg and thigh.  Then as she fell to the floor, a dart hit the back of her head with such force that it comes out the front through her eye, killing her instantly.   

"There, you go, an eye for an eye.  I hope you learn a lesson here?  It's not nice to enjoy other people's death.  Now, who's next?" he whispered as he took the paper out of his pocket.  There three girls with the same name, now, I kill them all, just in case." he said as he went on to the next Tracey on the yellow pages, page.   The first closed the window and patio door and left the house.  He jumped into his patrol car and went on his way.  Then the scanner, "Richard! You have checked in.  What's going on?"    "Shit, they already missing this pig.  I'll just ignore it, may they go away and stop calling on him." he thought then continue driving towards the other girl with the Tracey name.  Dispatch continues on trying to contact the possess officer, that after a while, Jacket got frustrated and stopped at the edge of the road and with his blackjack, he bet the radio and equipment to piece.  Then he went back on his way.

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