Escaped Spirit

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While, underneath the earth's surface, there's a line of new arrivals spirits.  Those who were condemned to hell by the action they've done during their lifetime.  The line was filled with murder, rapists, thieves, and killers.  The tormenting spirits that fought and argued while waiting to let down to hell, not knowing what to expect.

Above ground in the State National Prison, there was an execution taking place.  Jacket Rivers, known as the doll collection.   He Collected women, of every nationality, he had to have one of each.  When they got pregnant, he will wait for baby to arrive, dropped it off at a hospital.  Then the mother will be found dead days later.  The connection between the mother and the baby was what rang the alarm bell.

There were three babies dropped off, as unknowns, then exactly three day's the mother will be found dead.  If women were as beautiful as a doll.   The media was all over the case, that there were three other states which had the same incidents, years past.  This cause all-out men hunt, and when Jacket Rivers was convicted, they gave him the electric chair.  He has been living on the taxpayer's money for other ten years.  Now it was his turn.  His turn to pay his debt to society.

As they sat him on the death chair, he looked witnesses among the crowd of observers.  "Where's that bitch." he thought to himself   He was talking about his sister Rachel.  She was his partner in crime.  Mostly the girls he had were here friends.  She knew what he was doing, but never said a word.  She was terrified of him.  So the moment he was arrested, she vanished hopping, that nothing leads back to her.

Jacket Rivers was about to get his punishment, and the only person left in the world, that was his blood, didn't even care to come to say her goodbyes.   "So, Jacket Rivers, will you like to be forgiven?" asked the father   "Rot in hell. If you touch me with that holy water, I'll come back from hell and shove it down your throat.  Now get it over with already.  Why are all these people here?  I don't know any of you, but I'll remember your face.  You like to see people getting executed.  Good to know, here it goes." he said   As the prison guard pulled down the level and lights began to flicker as Jackel Rivers brain and body was being fired.   One of the men in the courtroom was a reporter who went by the name of Robert Toss, who happens to be dating Jennifer for about six months.  They got along great, and Luke like to have him around.  He was assigned to get the story on Jacket Rivers.

During the electrocution, the doll collector looked at everyone in the room, as they watch him die, to Jacket, it wasn't goodbye, it was more like I see you later.

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