The Fenton's Freak Out

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We walked up the steps of the castle, just like I remember it. It feels so weird, since I am normally in my ghost form when I come here. At the first step Ember just floated in there,

Everyone was taking the surroundings, the nerds were talking about architecture or something like that. The Fentons were just quiet through Ember whole tantrum, but always had their hand next to the waist. Where their gun was at.

"DANNY!" I was tackled.

I laughed, "Hey Mom!"

Pandora just talked very fast. All stopped when Maddie pushed me away from Mom, "Hey, get the Flowey off of me! "

Jack picked me up and started giving me a lecture, "Listen, Dannyboy. You can't talk  to your mother like that." 

"I can talk to Maddie however I want."

"You cant call her that."

"And why not?"

"Because your're her son."

"I. Am. Not. Her. Son."

Everyone just stared at us. Maddie just looked at me at an expression of shock. Like she couldn't believe it. 

Mom just looked at me awkwardly. "Danny, are these your classmates?"

I scratched my neck, "Umm, Yes. Why?"

Mom beamed, "Now we have more guest for our party!"



I am so sorry for not updating, I recently started playing UNDERTALE! I love it!

Oh yeah, I want to tell you I want to do a Q and A please ask any questions and I will answer them!

Stay Determined!


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