I See Things...

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Every human was shocked, they just witness their fellow classmate turn into a freaking demon.

Not a nice a way to start your Monday morning.

Even if they didn't know much of Danny, or even his personal life, they still liked the boys company. Everyone, even Mr.Lancer, always had a soft side to the boy and his friends.

Mostly, they saw Danny with his parents, happily getting along. Never arguing, always happy. Everyone thought he had the perfect family life, but this field trip,

Proved them wrong.

Danny seemed like he hated his parents, always arguing with them. Since they were ghost hunters, that mostly everyone thought they were protected or at least smart that they knew how to protect them. The Fentons had absolute no idea how ghosts worked! Their whole strategy was I see ghost, SHOOT IT! But, Danny was different.

Danny took time to solve his problems, unlike his parents. He seemed less tense than his parents too.

He seemed comfortable in the ghost zone. Now, that they found out he was Phantom it was more obvious.

Going back on the current situation, Danny fell down, reversing anything back to normal.

After he fell Dani who was watching from the sidelines, ran towards Danny's limp body and hugged him tightly. They all wanted to help, but they didn't know how to help.

Ember flew over to them. Everyone went to check if he was alright. Dani started crying, whispering things in his ears. Her hand started to glow, was she a half ghost? That just sent a quick jolt.

"I thought that would work..." Dani sobbed.

Ember went over and did the same thing. This time it lasted for a few seconds. Then Danny's eyes opened wide.

"Dude, you cant do that!" He yelp.

Dani jumped up in joy and hugged him tighter. Ember looked happy and picked him up.

Every one celebrated right there and then.


Everyone gathered in the dinning hall, where they had a feast. Even though they were shocked that he was phantom. They didn't care, well except Valerie and of course the Fentons, they were just happy that he was safe.

Pandora stood up and ticked her spoon with her glass, "Quiet now. I know that all of you have questions for Danny you may ask those now. Also, one at a time."

Mostly every human rose their hand up, they all had questions for him.

Danny picked on random students, after he picked mostly everyone, Dash was the last one. Dash looked a little nervous knowing he bullied Danny, he could pull out a plan of revenge at any moment.

"S-so know that we know that your Phantom, that is why you could stand my bullying. Can I say I'm sorry?"

Danny sighed, "That is one of the reasons I could stand it. The other one was that I so used to it, it didn't bother me anymore."

"Also, a hero is kinda like a dollhouse, its perfect on the outside, but there is more on the inside. Think of this,

Everyone thinks that I'm perfect, Please don't let them look through the curtains.

I see things that nobody else sees." (THIS ONE IS FOR YOU Hannah_Demigod !)

Dash didn't know what to say, Danny left a dumbfounded Dash and the rest of the class in the middle of the dinning hall.

"Whelp see you all tomorrow, having someone possessing you takes all the energy out of you. GOOD NIGHT!"

With that he left...



I hope you guys like it, its crap.

We reached over 30.7K!!!!

I still don't know why you like my story!


Lots of love,


Field Trip •| DISCONTINUED |•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon