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I was floating in darkness.  I looked around. Little white screens came up. Inside of  the screens were me.

What's going on?

I looked behind me. Sam and Tucker were lying on the ground. Dead.  more people showed up. My family. "Okay something isn't right."

"Looks like you made it."

I turned around. "Who said that?"

"Huh. You Idiot. Can you not even recognize your own self?"

The figure stepped out of  the shadows. It was Evil Dan or Dan for short. He was holding a screen too. It had me in it. He gave me a smile. It looked like blood thirsty smile.

"Where am I?"  My hands charged up with ghost energy. 

He chuckled, "Kid, your in the void. I can tell your having a bad time trying to keep that secret. Join me, then you wont have to worry to keep that old secret. We could do the easy way or the hard way. " 

"Like I would join you!" I went ghost. I thew an ectoplasmic ball at him. 

He just laughed, "Your choice."

He threw up the screen up and it blared white.

When everything went to normal, he started throwing attacks at me.  I hit him once but he did not even flinch. 

I went to fly up, I felt something grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I felt like I couldn't even fly.

I landed on the ground. He thew some blasters at me. I tried to move all the  best I could.  But, I couldn't. I gave him more ectoballs at him.

I got him, but he just stood there. "Really? I know your weak. But not that weak."

He jumped up, I put up a shield. When he went down, he grabbed me. We both fell down with a thump. 

He stood  up and walked over. He smirked, since he saw I was out. He picked me up by my suit.     "Your just a useless brat. Who puts everyone in danger. You. Are. Worthless."

Those words sinked into my head. He's right.  

He was about to say something, I wanted him to get off me. So, instinct took over.

I punched him in the face with all the power I had.

The power made him dropped me.

I got my stance together, I was finally able to fly again.

We have to finish this. I thought. I got a ghost ray ready. 

"What? Is little wanna be hero gave up already?" Dan smirked. 

I groaned, "No. I need to finish this."

I quickly flew and teleported in different sides of him. Everytime I teleported I hit him with a ghost ray.

I was about to go up for another ghost ray, but he saw me and hit me with one.

I fell down, I tried to stand up. I groaned in pain. 

I stood up slowly. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"My style."

I did the strongest ghostly wail I ever did. 

This ghostly wail was different. It was white. I looked at Dan. He looked like he was disappearing.

All that was left was a little white flame. I walked over to it and it talked to me, but it had an echo to it.  




I am so sorry I hadnt updated my book. I got writers block. Ugh.

Anyway, I really love the song Echo. I just like the beat. 

I am sorry! I can not write fights! Sorry if you don't like.

Whelp, hope you like!


(Also if you play UNDERTALE, what is your favorite song in the OST?) 

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