long ass chapter ahead!! 3 1/2 thousand words. I'm amazing.

Kinda to celebrate the 200 reads (!!!! WHOOHOO ^^)

Kinda, because, there are two many thoughts and ideas in my head, and I wanted to explain some things in this chapter.

I'm so happy guys, I have this all perfectly planned out!!


I close the door to our house the afternoon and lean against it.

I sigh exhausted and close my eyes for a second.

My head hurts, as if my whole body isn't enough, I'm counfused, I got scolded by the headmaster because I didn't attend two classes for no apparent reason and he didn't even know about Mina.

I could hit someone right now.

I throw my bag in the corner and search for food in the fridge.

"Grandma, I'm hooome! Can you make me something to eat? I'm starving."

I put a little aegyo in my voice and wait for 10 seconds.

But nothing happens.


I rush the the door and knock on it slightly.

What's wrong? I haven't seen her yesterday either, when I think of it now. Except when I saw her sleeping on her bed in the afternoon.

I open the door and peek inside. I frown when I see her lying on the bed in almost the same position as yesterday when I found her holding the picture of Dad.

I don't waste more time.

I rush to the side and shake her a little.

"Granny? Granny!"

She groans a little in her sleep and I touch her forehead, only to pull my hand back, because it's burning. Sweat runs dow her face and she shivers lightly in her sleep.

"Shit." I mumble while panicking.

What do I do now? What do I have to do?

I rush to the bathroom and rumour through the drawers but can't find any sign of medicine, except mom's and sleeping pills.

I run back to her room with a glass of water and pull a blanket over her shivering body.

"Mmh...Ng..." She makes weird noises and I panick even more.

Then I rush through the door and go outside.

I run up and down to look for a convenience store but I just can't seem to find it. I grow frustrated.

My hair is messed up by the wind and sweat starts to form on my forehead.

I groan in frustration and throw my hands back.

I don't know what to do.

Then my eyes widen and I start running again.

Funny, how I always seem to find the street lamp.

I don't waste more time and open the small gate, then running the stairs up.

I knock on his door furiously.

"Jungkook! JUNGKOOK!!"

The door opens and I stumble onto his chest, almost falling. He grabs my arm and helps me standing.

"What is it?" His eyes widen when I have to hold onto his arm from panting so much.

"My... grandma... she's... sick...  I don't... know what to do..." I pant heavily and I try to catch my breath.

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