I wake up the next morning, bright light hitting my eyes.

I clench my eyes shut. Why didn't I close the curtains yesterday.

"Mm... " I widen my eyes.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

I notice Jungkook's arm snaked around my waist. Now I can feel the warmth of his body and the steady heartbeat in his chest.

Shit. What do I do now?

I hear Jungkook sleep- talking into my hair and he cuddles even closer towards me, using me as a giant pillow.

I grin widely, fully awake now. I should really get ready for school.

I try to sit up but his arms get even tighter around my waist. I laugh a little.

I try wiggling out of his embrace but he just pulls me closer to him. I can't do anything right now.

"Jungkook", I laugh, when he breathes on my neck, making it tickle.

"Jungkook!" I whisper- shout and hit behind me. I manage to hit his shoulder and he wakes up.

He groans when he notices, it is morning already and cuddles against me again.

I poke him. "Jungkook, we have to get ready. You need to go home, you need to change for school."

My voice grows louder at the end of the sentence, since it seems as if he's fallen asleep again. He groans in frustration, looking like rethinking about life and turns onto his back.

His eyes flutter open and close but he can't seem to keep them open.


I giggle at his sight and finally stand up. I get to the bathroom, watching him all the way there, til I close the door behind me, still smiling widely.

He is so cute.

I get changed real quick. I brush my teeth and hair and put it into a high, but loose pony tail. I wash my face and get out of the bathroom.

I stop when I see Jungkook standing there. His eyes still closed and his arms behind his neck.

Is he always this tall? And does his skin always sparkle or is it the sun hitting his skin like-

Oh my god, Halla. Stop right there. Stop being so weird.

I notice my mouth agape while staring at him in awe, then I quickly close it. He turns around to me and opens his eyes.

His eyes immediately widen too and he blushes a little bit, then turning away.

What was that?

I go over to him and open the window.

He just looks at me. I point to the window, suddenly nervous.

"Uhmm... you can go now." He still just looks at me. "Thank you for yesterday."

"I told you not to thank me."

I keep still at that.

He walks towards the window and puts one foot on the window sill. I cross my arms, watching him.

"Be carefu-"

I am cut of, when he captures my face with his both hands and leaves a small kiss on my mouth before leaving one on my forehead, my cheek and my nose.

My skin is burning wherever he kissed me and I quickly move back.

His smile forms into a smirk when I cool my burning face with my cool hands, my eyes big.

Test me.° (Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now