Text Messages

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Chris sat at home with his script and a cup of coffee. He had a long night ahead of him, he hadn't really opened it up. In all honesty, he couldn't remember when filming was scheduled. The table read had been the week of his "indiscretions" and after the public mess he'd honestly forgotten about it. He turned the pages, scanning the highlighting he had done the he stopped. In light green pen, nearly perfect penmanship were the words, "This isn't your line!" followed by a smiley face. When did she write that? He grabbed his phone and typed a simple message, "Evidently I went on highlighting overload thank you for pointing that out."

He waited, looking at the phone wondering how quickly she'd respond. She didn't respond. He began reading. A few moments later be checked the phone again. Nothing. He felt frustrated. Why wasn't she responding?


Chelsea couldn't believe the rush of people that had entered the ice cream shop promptly after Chris left. To her surprise no one had said anything to her, but they stared quite openly. There were whispers and something unkind must have been said because Walt actually asked a customer to leave. This was a huge Disney no-no.

"Why don't you take a break? These people are weird." Walt pushed her slightly toward the break room.

"I can't just sit there and do nothing," she muttered.

"Then go downstairs and get more receipt tape please," he wasn't looking at her, he was clearly frustrated. But he wasn't frustrated at her, it was the situation. She walked into the break room, opened the little locker, and grabbed her phone. A bright red circle signifying text message greeted her. She slid her finger across the screen as she walked out the backdoor and toward the Cast Only entrance to the labyrinth downstairs. She stopped dead in her tracks. He'd already sent her a message. Before she responded she saved his number, no last name, just Chris.

And the conversation started.

Chelsea Garcia: Sorry about that, old teacher habit. (4:57 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Then I'm a little disappointed it was in green pen, not red. (4:58 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea was beyond excited at the quickness of the response, but she had no idea what to say back. She feared rambling.

Chris stared at the phone, he remembered she was a work and suddenly feared he'd get her in trouble for texting. Disney was strict.

Chris: I understand that you're busy at work, I'm busy too. Don't feel the need to text back immediately. (5:00 pm, Oct 28)

He immediately felt horrible for sending it. He sounded desperate and ridiculous, like the teenager his dad had accused him of being. 

Chelsea smiled at the immediacy of the second text and how silly it sounded.

Chelsea Garcia: No worries, I was forced into a break when a crazy crowd of Chris Pine fans took over our shop. I'm out and about running errands, texting is allowed. (5:01 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: But thank you for worrying about my job. (5:01 pm, Oct 28) 

Chelsea Garcia: And you're busy too, I'll leave you be. (5:01 pm, Oct 28)

In hindsight, Chelsea realized all of the texts could have been sent as one. Chris smiled at the three chimes his phone sounded with the three messages back to back.

Chris: Not that busy... (5:03 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: That text message didn't even warrant a response. You wasted one of my unlimited texts and now I am wasting one of yours. ;) (5:04 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Texting you is not a waste. (5:06 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Oh lord, you're just as smooth and cheesy in text as you are in person. (5:07 pm, Oct 28)

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