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"Where the hell have you been?" Drew asked angrily as she walked in the door. "You were supposed to be home hours ago!"

Caught off guard by her roommates passionate greeting, she wasn't even sure what to say. "I, umm, I just went for a ride. I didn't mean to worry you, but geez Drew, I'm a grown woman."

Drew held up her phone. The LED indicator light blinked red. "Whew, I was afraid I'd left it at work."

"It's been going crazy."

Chelsea snatched it out of his hand. "Why?" she asked as she slid her finger across the screen to unlock it. Immediately she was bombarded by text messages and missed calls.

"I honestly thought about answering it a few times, but I knew you'd be pissed." Drew was looking over her shoulder at the phone. "Why are you so suddenly popular?"

Two messages were from her sister, requesting an immediate call. Another was from Walt, a picture message from Ireland. Three texts from Chris. And four missed calls: two from her sister and two from Chris. Only one voicemail.

She read the messages. The first was a confirmation number and link to check in for her flight. She sighed, it's not as simple as you would think, Evan the coffee boy. She still didn't know what to do as she scrolled and read the other two messages.

Chris: I was expecting some sort of response. Perhaps another, "I can't, I have to work" excuse. But this no response at all is different. I hope you will seriously consider meeting in Amsterdam. Skip work, do something wild and crazy.

She couldn't help but laugh at that.

Chris: Still haven't heard from you. See you tomorrow?

She sighed and decided to check her voicemail. Perhaps hearing his voice would push her firmly into a choice.

"Chelsea!!! Chelsea!!! Why haven't you returned my text messages, I need to talk to you like yesterday. CALL ME!" It was her sister and she sounded a strange blend of frantic and furious.

"What did he say?" Drew asked.

"It wasn't Chris." Chelsea said, the disappointment she felt at that statement being washed away by worry for her sister. "It was Jules."

"Is everything ok?"

"I don't know," Chelsea walked up the stairs and into her room. At the foot of her bed sat her suitcase. In a moment of confusion she'd gotten it out and thrown a few wintry items in. It was far from being packed, but was a very good example of her confused state. She closed the bag with her foot as she sat at the end of her bed and dialed her sister.

"Finally!" Jules answered.

"I'm sorry, I left my phone at home. I've been busy."

"I bet. Give me a rundown on your life in five minutes before I blow your mind. Blow. Your. Mind. Chelsea."

"Maybe we should skip me and go into this mind blowing information you have for me."

"But I don't want you to feel like you're unimportant. You are the one dating the movie star." Her sister was giddy over this information, Chelsea dreaded letting her in on all the drama that had ensued over the past few weeks. "I mean, is he planning to whisk you away to Paris any time soon."


"Shut up."

"No really. Things have been weird. Here's my rundown. Things aren't what they seem, you know? He's got a lot going on. I think we're on the downward spiral, so I don't think I'm going to Amsterdam. He's bought a flight for me tomorrow. But I'm not going, it' s decided. Right now. I'm not going. I got a new job. Tomorrow is my last day at Disney. I start teaching in a week. It's a great position, third grade. I'm pretty excited. That was less than five minute wasn't it?"

The other end of the call was silent.


"Holy crap. You just blew my mind. Why are y'all on the downward spiral?" She sounded concerned.

"Not relevant."

"Chels! It's totally relevant! Did he cheat on you? What happened?"

"Nothing like that. It just wasn't what it seemed. More of a business arrangement, I guess. I think I loved him more than he really cared for me anyway," saying it aloud didn't hurt like Chelsea thought it would.

"Are you crazy? He's trying to send you to Amsterdam! I bet it's first class all the way too. He loves you. Don't be stupid."

"How can you know if you love someone after two months? Less than that. Can we move on to your mind blowing information?" Chelsea swiftly changed the subject.

A girlish giggle arose from her sister, "So I thought my boyfriend was cheating on me."

"What! I'll kill him. Screw Amsterdam, I'm flying in now to kick your boyfriend in his, "she couldn't finish, Jules cut her off.

"He's not! He was sneaking around, so I followed him. He went to a girl's house, a friend of his. She got in his car. I was so pissed, Chelsea. I was envisioning ramming them with my car, but I took some calming breaths and just followed them."

"Where did they go?" Chelsea asked.

"You're never going to believe it."

Chelsea pondered where her sister's boyfriend and a mystery woman could go that would be a surprise when her sister screamed into her ear, "A freaking jewelry store!"

"What do you mean?"

"Jared, Chelsea, he went to Jared."

They both erupted into fits of laughter, it was too funny throwing the tag-line in there. "But seriously," Chelsea said when she began to breathe normally. "Where did they go?"

"I'm a serious as a heart-attack, he walked in with this chick into a Jared. Then he walked out with a little bag. I went to his house fast, I beat them there. When the pulled up he introduced me to the friend. Get this, she's married. They've known each other for years. The girl got all teary-eyed and hugged me real tight, Kerry was her name. She kept repeating how excited she was to meet me."

"Oh, Jules." Chelsea realized what was happening. Her baby sister was going to get engaged.

"I know! I know! I can't even explain my feelings right now. I feel guilty for following him. I feel terrified."

"But what will you say?"

"That's the craziest thing, Chelsea. I'm going to say yes. I love him completely. Like you and Paul, you know? It's just right. I hope I haven't ruined anything. I'll act surprised." Her sister sounded so happy.

"Don't snoop for the ring!"

"I won't!"

"Promise me! I want an air pinky swear, sister!" Chelsea held her finger up in the pinky-swear position.

"On one condition." Jules demanded.

"Of course I'll be your maid of honor." Chelsea grinned.

"Not what I was thinking."

"Um, ok. What were you thinking?"

"I promise not to snoop if you promise me one thing," Jules said with a deep serious tone.

"Anything," Chelsea would do anything for her sister.

"Stop worrying about everyone else, take care of yourself, and go to Amsterdam."

Chelsea was speechless.

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