Chapter 2~The Princess and the Call

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<~(Y/N) POV~>

I was nervous. The Royal Ball was tomorrow! There would be boys everywhere. Boys downstairs, boys upstairs, boys eating, boys drinking, cute boys, ugly boys, hot boys, and one special boy. And prissy girls fighting for my brother Hoseok's love.

I sighed. I had never been a fan of rowdy places and noisy balls, unlike my brother. And this there would be annoying girls with bird brains there. I never understood what we were meant to do at a Royal Ball except waltz around with people and gorge yourself with delicious treats. That was the whole point of a ball, right?

But no, I had to choose one of the boys, because my family expected a heir. My brother, being the younger one, would be sent to my aunt's and uncle's castle to rule, as they had no child.

I knew I had to prepare myself so I didn't embarrass myself tomorrow. I popped on a simple red dress with short sleeves and went down stairs for my lessons.

<~Jungkook's POV~>

I rolled over Jimin's words in my head as I made the suits for the ball. He didn't seem like he was just messing with my mind. He wasn't as skilled in disguise as Taehyung was. I shook him out of my head and focused on making the clothing.

The ball. Princess (Y/N) looked amazing, and I was excited and nervous to meet her. I was more charming than Jimin, but she could fall for Taehyung, and not me. Or any of the other boys who came from others parts of the Kingdom. I knew that, however little chance there was, I had to try and get the Princess' attention, so I could escape my horrid family.

Family never meant the same for me after my only father died. Jin and my hyungs were seemingly nice at first, and that was what assuaged my fears and I let my guard down. My dad's death meant eternal slavery for me-well, at least until I can leave the house forever.

First my mum dies, then my dad gets remarried and then he also dies. Apes and a tramp join me. Could my life get any worse?

<~Jimin's POV~>

I peeked through the ajar door at Jungkook making my suit. That boy really was something. He was fit, like me and Taehyung were, and could carry out the labours well, but he could also knit, sew and other chores mainly accomplished by women. That was probably where Taehyung got inspiration for Jungkella and Kookerella. I felt sorry for him, but I had no choice but to act all nasty towards him.

I realised that, as much as I wanted the crown, Jungkook was the one most deserving of it. I needed to help him get it.

"Darling Jiminie!" Mother Jin called. I loved Jin, but her attitude towards Jungkook made me irritated at times.

"Yes, mother dearest?" I made my way upstairs.

"I have a call here for you! The young gentleman requested you." My heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, thanks mother." I took the phone from her.

"It's good you're making friends, it can improve our relations." Jin nodded at me approvingly. I ran outside the second she reentered her room.

"Ahh, Chim Chim!" A cheerful voice greeted me, confirming my suspicions.

"You idiot! Don't you know better than to call when I clearly told you I would call?" I yelled at him.

"Haha, sorry! She didn't suspect a thing though, so chill. Anyways, you wanted to tell me something?"

I shook my head at Hoseok's immaturity, then told him the problem and my plan.

"Well, you know Jungkook right? You used to be friends before his dad died. I know I haven't mentioned him much, but he's kind of important. I want him to leave our house. I don't want him to be a slave anymore, he doesn't deserve it!"

Hoseok was silent for so long, I was scared that he had hung up. "What do you want me to do then?"

It was my first time sharing my plan. I knew the absurdity of it, and I knew it was unlikely for it to happen.

"I want him to..."

<~Jungkook's POV~>

I dropped the roll of wool, and it began to roll outside. Who was the brainless ape who left the door open? I cursed as I chased after it.

It rolled to a stop at a corner, and I picked it up. Then something else piqued my interest. I heard a voice coming from around the bend.

I hid behind the corner, and looked in the direction of the voices. There I saw Jimin, talking to someone on a phone. The person on the receiving end had a familiar voice, but I couldn't make what he was talking to Jimin about. Jimin tensed up, then spoke into the phone.

"I want him to go to the Ball, and have a suit."

Who did he want to go to the Ball? Who was he talking about?

There was a short bark of laughter, which faded into more serious words from the person on the phone.

"Yeah, he's not allowed to go, but he doesn't know about it." Jimin whispered worriedly.

I suddenly felt as if he was talking about me, but I quickly dismissed that thought as he never cared for me. But could this have something to do with this morning's little talk we had?

"I understand, thank you. Now-" His words were cut off as he turned around and saw me. My expression changed from curiosity into horror in a matter of seconds.

"I'll talk to you later, I have an order of business to attend to." Jimin gritted his teeth as he ended the call.

"Who were you talking to?" I bluntly demanded answers.

Jimin looked me back right in the eye. "That is none of your business. How much did you hear?"

For the first time, I saw a spark of fear in his eyes.

"I heard you talking about someone going to the ball, and getting him a suit."

Jimin sighed with relief, confirming my suspicions that I had missed out on the important parts.

"Who were you talking about?" I defiantly asked.

Jimin shook his head. "I can't tell you, but this has something to do with our little chat this morning." He walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Jungkook, don't be stupid. Just go along with everything. Do not reveal this conversation to Jin, or you'll see things going in the opposite direction for you." Jimin winked.

I seethed with rage and curiosity. "My life is already bad enough, what could possibly make it worse?" I shouted, my temper out of control.

Jimin's eyes suddenly hardened, a steely glint showing. "You'll find out if you tell her."

With that, he left me to figure out things for myself with his vague answers.

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